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Selecting which monitor/screen/display to play Spring / Zero-K in FULLSCREEN mode...?

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7/14/2013 4:47:57 PMUSrankkeintabak before revert after revert
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1 @Ivica & @xponen: Thank you very much for explaining a method which achieves very close to what I'd hoped to accomplish. Thank you also for not being a dick. 1 @Ivica & @xponen: Thank you very much for explaining a method which achieves very close to what I'd hoped to accomplish. Thank you also for not being a dick.
2 @mojjj: Since you're an administrator of this forum, thank you for commenting to approve the veracity of xponen's statement. However, I am somewhat dissappointed that controling the Spring window( s) : What we have now is initial settings of window placement, window dimensions, and window gui styles of borders, ( and child window opacity) . What we DON'T have: choice of display output ( multi-monitor environment) ; multi-monitor setups or very common these days, and account for over half of the PC systems in this country ( USA) ( developers should maybe consider that fact. . . ?) . All of those settings can be controllable via the Windows API and DirectX; for one example, those API variables can be accessed by a utility called 'NirCmd' ( developer is NirSoft, http://www. nirsoft. net/utils/nircmd. html) , and its "win" sub-command. The 'styles' and the 'bits' that the NirCmd mentions are the settings set directly to the Windows API the change window of your choice, and here is a list of window 'Gui Control Styles' : http://www. autoitscript. com/autoit3/docs/appendix/GUIStyles. htm 2 @mojjj: Since you're an administrator of this forum, thank you for commenting to approve the veracity of xponen's statement. However, I am somewhat dissappointed that an admin doesn't have an answer for what ( IMHO) should be a sinple fix for a common issue. The common issue-> Multi-Monitor Environments.
3 What We Have:
4 *What we have now is initial settings of window placement, window dimensions, and window gui styles of borders, (and child window opacity).
5 What we DON'T have:
6 *choice of display output (multi-monitor environment)
7 Multi-monitor setups or very common these days, and account for over half of the PC systems in this country (USA) (developers should maybe consider that fact...?). All of those settings can be controllable via the Windows API and DirectX; for one example, those API variables can be accessed by a utility called 'NirCmd' (developer is NirSoft, www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html ), and its sub-command "win". The 'styles' and its 'bits' mentioned in the (pathetic) NirCmd documentation are set by the Windows API to change a window of your choice, and here is a list of window 'Gui Control Styles' (since the Nir doc's are pathetic): http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/appendix/GUIStyles.htm
3 \n 8 \n
4 Screw it. It looks like I'll need to make a ghetto script to do what the Spring dev's didn't. I'll post commented code that'll do what I'm descibing. I'd just prefer to use the game's settings rather than forcing it to. 9 Screw it. It looks like I'll need to make a ghetto script to do what the Spring dev's didn't. I'll post commented code that'll do what I'm descibing. I'd just prefer to use the game's settings rather than forcing it to.