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Idea for next event weekend :P

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7/9/2013 2:25:41 PMEErank[ISP]Lauri before revert after revert
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1 Well the idea was not necessarily to make people spam arty, it was more about reducing porcyness in teamgames. Without shields, even one light artillery unit will eventually kill any statics that it outranges. Meaning you don't actually have to commit a lot to arty in order to clear areas from opposing static defences. 1 I guess the idea was to make games less porcy not necessarily have everybody spam arty and no air can somewhat achieve that. No air means it's much cheaper to support your artillery -> porc will have a shorter lifespan in most games.
2 \n
3 But to think of it, a no air weekend would make heavy arty survive longer thus also reducing the effectiveness of statics.