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Missing battle info

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
4/30/2013 8:12:37 PMCHrankNOWWON before revert after revert
4/30/2013 7:29:24 PMCHrankNOWWON before revert after revert
Before After
1 This Privat battle of some collegs loks very strange; 1. there is no LOSER in the game information, second it seems sometimes like the same units are diffrent forced and ranged depending on ho they are played ( might this is only bad change but it's a bit weard in this games) 3. its no bug but i'm asking myself if some of this unnormal forces comes from the Unit KI? 1 This Privat battle of some collegs loks very strange; 1. there is no LOSER in the game information, second it seems sometimes like the same units are diffrent forced and ranged depending on ho they are played ( might this is only bad change or unbalanced unit KI but it's a bit weard in this games)
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3 Thanks for answer and excuse my spelling and english Mistakes 3 Thanks for answer and forgive my spelling and english mistakes
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5 Battle Linke: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/165001 5 Battle Linke: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/165001