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Bitcoin pool for zero-k

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12/25/2012 10:04:31 AMNLrankswappan before revert after revert
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1 interesting concept. I watched this completely http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrlgw5KpkXM. 1 interesting concept. I watched this completely http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrlgw5KpkXM.
2 But I dont get it where the money from trading btc comes from. From donations or buying btc for "real" money only? So if some rich guy buy x amount of btc for $ 100000. dollar for btc conversion rate go up? 2 But I dont get it where the money from trading btc comes from. From donations or buying btc for "real" money only? So if some rich guy buy x amount of btc for $ 100000. dollar for btc conversion rate go up?
3 3 edit: I see it is, so it is just a gamble if btc become popular.