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What would you change in PlanetWars?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/23/2012 11:47:10 AMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
10/23/2012 11:42:59 AMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
10/23/2012 11:42:46 AMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
10/23/2012 11:41:56 AMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
Before After
1 Minimal stuff: 1 Minimal stuff:
2 \n 2 \n
3 1) Hell yes to limiting sizes. 3 1) Hell yes to limiting sizes.
4 2) Some way of [b]forcing turn passage[/b] and demotivating skipping fights. Like, if nobody plays in X days, most-prioritized attacker (largest bunch of dropships) wins by default (with zero commander gains and maybe halved influence gain) 4 2) Some way of [b]forcing turn passage[/b] and demotivating skipping fights. Like, if nobody plays in X days, most-prioritized attacker (largest bunch of dropships) wins by default (with zero commander gains and maybe halved influence gain)
5 3) Disable unbreakable treaties because of their abuse potential. Replace or supplant them with unviolable, but breakable ones with some advance warning. (So, say, we have NAP with another faction, and they get a 30 turns warning if we wanna break it). 5 3) Disable unbreakable treaties because of their abuse potential. Replace or supplant them with unviolable, but breakable ones with some advance warning. (So, say, we have NAP with another faction, and they get a 30 turns warning if we wanna break it).
6 \n 6 \n
7 Neon-ideas: 7 Neon-ideas:
8 Bonus structures and bonus planets. Things that give you some specific abilities on the battlefield. Like a single-use ingame orbital bombing/unit-insertion/etc (available after X minutes) that gets reloaded each 10 PW turns or something. 8 Bonus structures and bonus planets. Things that give you some specific abilities on the battlefield. Like a single-use ingame orbital bombing/unit-insertion/etc (available after X minutes) that gets reloaded each 10 PW turns or something.
9 \n
10 Maybe some Risk-like region-bonuses to make map less uniform and promote capturing specific targets.