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Proposed Overdrive's energy/metal relation of r7342

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7/19/2012 5:29:16 AMDErankKlon before revert after revert
7/19/2012 5:27:25 AMDErankKlon before revert after revert
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1 Anything mentioned in this thread seems just terribly and unnecessarly complicated. The easy, and natural, solution would be to just bring back communism as 90% of all people ive talked about it with want anyway. This will strip overdrive-enenergy contriubuting players of their returns on their investment, but actually that doesnt matter at all because its a team game, and if you team wins, you win. 1 Anything mentioned in this thread seems just terribly and unnecessarly complicated. The easy, and natural, solution would be to just bring back communism as 90% of all people ive talked about it with want anyway. This will strip overdrive-enenergy contriubuting players of their returns on their investment, but actually that doesnt matter at all because its a team game, and if you team wins, you win.
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3 youre making powers? youre contributing to victory, thats an incencitive. youre waiting for your team mates to build powers, because you dont wanna make the investment? you need an additional incencitive to do something that will increase your chance of winning? then you just suck. its really the same thing as if you would give a front player returns for building units, as it may also increase the teams overall metal production ( or make it win) , but the front player will never get the metal for it back! so i wanna have an incencitive to build units, i cant stand my teammates not paying for my units and ill not build units again until i get paid for every single unit. even makes sense if you look at it the same way od is looked on. 3 youre making powers? youre contributing to victory, thats an incencitive. youre waiting for your team mates to build powers, because you dont wanna make the investment? you need an additional incencitive to do something that will already increase your chance of winning? then you just suck. its really the same thing as if you would give a front player returns for building units, as it may also increase the teams overall metal production ( or make it win) , but the front player will never get the metal for it back! so i wanna have an incencitive to build units, i cant stand my teammates not paying for my units and ill not build units again until i get paid for every single unit. even makes sense if you look at it the same way od is looked on.
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5 as an intermediate solution, why not increase the shared percentage on od to bring us closer to communsim, while maintaining that those people building the power will eventually get their investment back? 5 as an intermediate solution, why not increase the shared percentage on od to bring us closer to communsim, while maintaining that those people building the power will eventually get their investment back?