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B938561 18 on Akilon Wastelands ZK v1 (Multiplayer)

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8/12/2020 6:08:29 AMUSrankShaman before revert after revert
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1 Front crashing is usually pretty good. I wished more people used it to their advantage. 1 Front crashing is usually pretty good. I wished more people used it to their advantage.
2 \n 2 \n
3 I think south's main issue was that west went virtually unopposed to the north team. Having half your players in one spot means being vulnerable in other areas. I recall one of the randoms ( I think it was @Pony?) basically running up and just mexing it unopposed. 3 @mc's main weakness is that it tries to do everything and cover everything. @ADVENT's power comes from focusing down specific objectives against the generalist mumble. This is an example of [tooltip=Defeat in detail is the tactic of exploiting failures of an enemy force to co-ordinate and support the various smaller units that make up the force. An overwhelming attack on one defending subunit minimizes casualties on the attacking side and can be repeated a number of times against the defending subunits until all are eliminated. ][color=orange]defeat in detail[/color][/tooltip]. I think this is the main strength of the @ADVENT stacks.
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5 I think south's main issue was that west went virtually unopposed to the north team. Having half your players in one spot means being vulnerable in other areas. I recall one of the randoms (I think it was @Pony?) basically running up and just mexing it unopposed. I think we may have became too big of a threat for anyone to notice west just being gobbled up by one player.
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