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We want to translate The Database into Chinese.

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
4/15/2012 2:03:22 AMCNrankjiero before revert after revert
Before After
1 Well, I can understand, yet better to learn to use English so you can communicate with other people. 1 Well, I can understand, yet better to learn to use English so you can communicate with other people.
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3 My English is horrible and people still guess my thoughts, but at least they will guess what I am saying. 3 My English is horrible and people still guess my thoughts, but at least they will guess what I am saying.
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5 So don't be afraid to use English here, since you have been learning English for as long as you staying at school. 5 Please don't be afraid to use English here, since you have been learning English for as long as you staying at school. Put them all in real world trial.
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7 _______
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10 Beside, even in game text is not translatable, there is no much needs to do it if you can create a manual with all icons/symbol translated. Blame icon creater if they confuse you.
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12 直接的作一个文档,然后放上所有 图标 ,几乎只用图标就是了。
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