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Koda 2.0 Get It Here

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1/16/2020 5:29:50 PMBRrankManored before revert after revert
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1 Kodachi feels too costly for what it does, and its a terrible team player with all the ally/self damage it does. 1 Kodachi feels too costly for what it does, and its a terrible team player with all the ally/self damage it does.
2 \n 2 \n
3 But its an interesting unit. I think the problem is more on the tank factory than in the kodachi. Tank factory feels like it needs at least one more light unit. With the kodachi being so gimmicky, its cheapest reliable fighting unit costs more almost 300 metal, which is a huge disadvantage in the early game. 3 But its an interesting unit. I think the problem is more on the tank factory than in the kodachi. Tank factory feels like it needs at least one more light unit. With the kodachi being so gimmicky, its cheapest reliable fighting unit costs almost 300 metal, which is a huge disadvantage in the early game.