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what zero-k needs is more tactics

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6/21/2019 7:31:54 PMMXrankmoleculeman88 before revert after revert
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1 besides now a gravity weapon a new unit or structure to accompany the newton and faraday. this time a weapon that attracts units to fall into the traps. yes acclamator nice name it pulls enemy units in its direction forcing them to fall on the traps u put. those are new ideas and tactics for zero-k. a structure called acclamator pulls a bear, rovers snithces into portals, or faradays but put a mechanism that can't use newtons or this weapon so close they nuliffy themselves. but u get the idea. 1 besides now a gravity weapon a new unit or structure to accompany the newton and faraday. this time a weapon that attracts units to fall into the traps. yes acclamator nice name it pulls enemy units in its direction forcing them to fall on the traps u put. those are new ideas and tactics for zero-k. a structure called acclamator pulls a bear, rovers snithces into portals, or faradays but put a mechanism that can't use newtons or this weapon so close they nuliffy themselves. but u get the idea.
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3 so make something like opposite of newton and make them pull fat bears into traps and and they fall. or even simpler u make a hole big enough and u make enemy units fall on them and collect the scraps alter ;D. 3 so make something like opposite of newton and make them pull fat bears into traps and your defenses kill the bear. or even simpler u make a hole big with constructor and u make enemy units fall on them and collect the scraps later ;D.
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