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odds and ends:
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odds and ends:
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outlaws on 'off' mode will still attack if in range but can be cloaked
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outlaws on 'off' mode will still attack if in range but can be cloaked
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raised ogre is godly more effective vs raiders/chix as its projectile loves going downwards
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raised ogre is godly more effective vs raiders/chix as its projectile loves going downwards
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giving it much better range and hit chances
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giving it much better range and hit chances
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merlins do almost double single target damage at close range due to no spread
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merlins do almost double single target damage at close range due to no spread
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combat teleport.. globe can be placed before transporting the djini (dejinn ~ teleporter) troops can be tasked to guard the globe..
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combat teleport.. globe can be placed before transporting the djini (dejinn ~ teleporter) troops can be tasked to guard the globe..
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and on transport death the teleporter will survive the fall and instantly re-link with globe.. the guarding units will teleport
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and on transport death the teleporter will survive the fall and instantly re-link with globe.. the guarding units will teleport
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and a factory can be set to guard the globe
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and a factory can be set to guard the globe