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Need help running Zero-K off of a flash drive

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3/31/2012 3:25:42 AMUSrankCrazyEddie before revert after revert
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1 There is a zipped version of the Zero-K Lobby ( http://zero-k.info/lobby/zklobby.zip ) available from the Download page ( http://zero-k.info/Wiki/Download ). I believe that you can simply unzip that archive to any directory and then run Zero-K.exe from that directory. 1 There is a zipped version of the Zero-K Lobby ( http://zero-k.info/lobby/zklobby.zip ) available from the Download page ( http://zero-k.info/Wiki/Download ). I believe that you can simply unzip that archive to any directory and then run Zero-K.exe from that directory.
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3 The official Spring installer will (optionally) install a copy of the Zero-K Lobby within the same directory in which it installs the Spring engine. 3 The official Spring installer will (optionally) install a copy of the Zero-K Lobby within the same directory in which it installs the Spring engine.
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5 The official Zero-K installer (the big button at http://zero-k.info/Wiki/Download, which links to http://zero-k.info/Home/Download, which automatically downloads http://zero-k.info/lobby/Zero-K.setup.exe) is a Windows "ClickOnce" installer, which installs the app into C:\Documents and Settings\userprofile\Local Settings\Apps or some other similar location depending on which version of Windows you have. 5 The official Zero-K installer (the big button at http://zero-k.info/Wiki/Download, which links to http://zero-k.info/Home/Download, which automatically downloads http://zero-k.info/lobby/Zero-K.setup.exe) is a Windows "ClickOnce" installer, which installs the app into C:\Documents and Settings\userprofile\Local Settings\Apps or some other similar location depending on which version of Windows you have.
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7 Note that the directory in which Zero-K Lobby is installed is generally different from the directory in which Zero-K Lobby maintains Spring game data ( including the Zero-K mod and all other mods, and multiple versions of the Spring engine) . By default that's in My Documents\My Games\Spring. I'm not certain what the best way is to change that. Note that that directory is actually hard-coded into the Spring engine itself, although there are ways to override that as well. 7 Note that the directory in which Zero-K Lobby is installed is generally different from the directory in which Zero-K Lobby maintains Spring game data ( including the Zero-K mod and all other mods, and multiple versions of the Spring engine) . By default that's in My Documents\My Games\Spring but you can change that. Note that that directory is also hard-coded into the Spring engine itself, although there are ways to override that as well.
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9 Within Zero-K Lobby there is a setting (see the "Settings" tab) called "Data folder to store all game content". If you install Zero-K Lobby to your flash drive (try the zipfile method mentioned above), then run Zero-K Lobby, then change that setting within Zero-K Lobby to point to a different directory on your flash drive... then that should do what you're trying to do. 9 Within Zero-K Lobby there is a setting (see the "Settings" tab) called "Data folder to store all game content". If you install Zero-K Lobby to your flash drive (try the zipfile method mentioned above), then run Zero-K Lobby, then change that setting within Zero-K Lobby to point to a different directory on your flash drive... then that should do what you're trying to do.
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11 I think. 11 I think.
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13 If you use Zero-K Lobby, then you don't need the portable Spring install. ZKL will maintain its own copies of the Spring engine and will store them in the game content directory. 13 If you use Zero-K Lobby, then you don't need the portable Spring install. ZKL will maintain its own copies of the Spring engine and will store them in the game content directory.
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