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Post edit history

what the fuck has happened to this game?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
8/13/2018 1:54:48 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
8/13/2018 1:43:42 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
Before After
1 Have infologs been provided? 1 Have infologs been provided?
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3 (The automatic reporter might well have picked them up, but if a bug is particularly disruptive it's helpful to send the infolog directly so it's easier to find among all the dross.) 3 (The automatic reporter might well have picked them up, but if a bug is particularly disruptive it's helpful to send the infolog directly so it's easier to find among all the dross.)
4 \n
5 [spoiler]I'll also point out that we don't actually have anybody else to do Licho's job and this probably isn't specifically in his jurisdiction anyway.[/spoiler]