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Commanders Updates

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/22/2018 12:58:43 AMFRrankWyvern before revert after revert
7/22/2018 12:54:26 AMFRrankWyvern before revert after revert
7/22/2018 12:53:50 AMFRrankWyvern before revert after revert
7/22/2018 12:50:08 AMFRrankWyvern before revert after revert
7/22/2018 12:48:37 AMFRrankWyvern before revert after revert
Before After
1 Any date for future update ? and hotfixes ? :d 1 Any date for future update ? and hotfixes ? :d
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3 EDIT I want to go further with the save/load bugs 3 EDIT: I want to go further with the save/load bugs
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5 When starting a new game, brutals bots are moving their commanders ahead to build structures. When the battlefield become too hot for them, they are retreating to their base until the end of the battle 5 When starting a new game, brutals bots are moving their commanders ahead to build structures. When the battlefield become too hot for them, they are retreating to their base until the end of the battle
6 If you are saving a game when bots retreated, and reload the save, bots will come back to battle with the battle starting behavior. That means, even if they have got striders, they are spamming lotus and pickets everywere. 6 If you are saving a game when bots retreated, and reload the save, bots will come back to battle with the battle starting behavior. That means, even if they have got striders, they are spamming lotus and pickets everywere.
7 I think the AI combat behavior isn't saved with the save, and reseted each load 7 I think the AI combat behavior isn't saved with the save, and reseted each load
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9 Aswell, AI ( any diff) never morph their commander abouve lvl 2. If they could morph more, they could stay on the battle field longer instead of waiting inside their base, but i think even if they are lvl 20, i don't think they will stay on the battlefield, i have the felling that they are programmed to retreat after a certain map time 9 Aswell, AI ( any diff) never morph their commander abouve lvl 2. If they could morph more, they could stay on the battlefield longer instead of waiting inside their base, but i think even if they are lvl 20, i don't think they will stay on the battlefield, i have the felling that they are programmed to retreat after a certain map time
10 I know it because im trying to steam ennemies commanders with Dominatrix, and thats not longer possible when mid tiers units are fighting. I have got a short time to get em
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12 Couldn't the strider hub allow us to rebuild a commander when the main is lost ?