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Unlocking units

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5/25/2018 8:03:45 PMDErankBrackman before revert after revert
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1 I'm against unlocks in general. Having them in the campaign is nice. 1 I'm against unlocks in general. Having them in the campaign is nice.
2 \n 2 \n
3 To me it seems that the biggest mistake new players make is starting with gunships/air even though they cannot handle it. The problem is that you cannot even try to tell them what to do because at the moment they plopped the fac, the game is usually over because explaining how to use air would need to long. So if anything, you could make gunship/air unploppable for new players until they reach a certain lvl or whr but allow it as a 2nd fac. This way they'd still have access to all units. 3 To me it seems that the biggest mistake new players make is starting with gunships/air even though they cannot handle it. The problem is that you cannot even try to tell them what to do because at the moment they plopped the fac, the game is usually over because explaining how to use air would need too long. So if anything, you could make gunship/air unploppable for new players until they reach a certain lvl or whr but allow it as a 2nd fac. This way they'd still have access to all units.