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Unlocking units

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5/25/2018 7:56:09 PMLUrankAdminAnir before revert after revert
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1 Sadly, in my opinion this will stay a problem for ever. 1 Sadly, in my opinion this will stay a problem for ever.
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3 Zero-k is a very difficult game, like 100 differrent units, maybe 1000+ different unit combos. And a very frustrating learning prozess, because you get recked so many times at the beginning. 3 Zero-k is a very difficult game, like 100 differrent units, maybe 1000+ different unit combos. And a very frustrating learning prozess, because you get recked so many times at the beginning.
4 I remember that people complained so hard when i started playing my first multiplayer games... Very intimitating back then. 4 I remember that people complained so hard when i started playing my first multiplayer games... Very intimitating back then.
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7 I agree that blocking certain units for certain players would be a very good idea. In my opinion a lvl 20 or less player does not need anything out of the striderhub, neighter do they need nuke, superweapon or commorph beyond lvl 5. 7 I agree that blocking certain units for certain players would be a very good idea. In my opinion a lvl 20 or less player does not need anything out of the striderhub, neighter do they need nuke, superweapon or commorph beyond lvl 5.
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9 I dont see any reason why they would need it, because it will just block their way to real knowledge about how to play this game on an "high" lvl. Btw i dont expect everybody to be pro, but my god, some people in this game... God can't help me there... he already quit. 9 I dont see any reason why they would need it, because it will just block their way to real knowledge about how to play this game on an "high" lvl. Btw i dont expect everybody to be pro, but my god, some people in this game... God can't help me there... he already quit.
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14 Athon, i would advice you to either use the party mode, play in a clan with friend (mumble is still an option for everybody) or just join disscord or mumble and i'm certain that you will met somebody that knows the power of teamwork :) 14 Athon, i would advice you to either use the party mode, play in a clan with friend (mumble is still an option for everybody) or just join disscord or mumble and i'm certain that you will met somebody that knows the power of teamwork :)
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16 have fun! 16 have fun!
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21 One more argument!
22 The reason why in my opinion gameplay without striders, nukes, or heavy porc shit (ddm, lucifer, bb) is important comes from personal experience. When i started trying to approve in this game, what i did was playing bot games, many games.
23 And instead of using a porcpush tactic, i try to play on big maps (Inculta v2, Comet Catcher Redux, ...) without using anything then my startfac, airfac, and out of porc, only stinger, stardust, defender and lotus. (faraday sometimes too, but rarely, and more for testing) And in my opinion that rly helps alot to improve eco management, production and mikro at the same time.