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Try with AtiHacks = 1 in springsettings.cfg. It defaults to -1 (detect on runtime), and in this case, since no ATI card is detected, is turned off. This may be causing this texture issue. My suspected causation:
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1. Hardware isn't picked up by engine because of hangdetection or whatever. Why this happens is unknown.
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2. No ATI card detected
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3. ATIHacks not automatically turned on.
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4. Textures show up like that.
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[quote]This hang detector should be leashed somehow, it causes so many false positives...
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This is most likely one of them. [/quote]
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[url=https://springrts.com/wiki/Springsettings.cfg]HangTimeout = -1[/url] gets rid of it. Setting the value higher can also help with it.
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I've PM'd you on how to do this in lobby.