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Campaign Feedback - Rovers, Faraday and Puppy

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
11/14/2017 9:14:21 PMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
11/14/2017 9:13:09 PMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
Before After
1 Estann All (Brutal): 1 Estann All (Brutal):
2 Who came up with this? I like the idea of replicators, but forcing me to fight through an AI and zombies in a short time frame while not losing any mexes is extremely annoying. I beat the mission in 8:50 with the required 16 mexes, but it took me two tries and I definitely don't want to do another one. My commander kept getting stuck because of the terraform, costing me at least 15 seconds. 2 Who came up with this? I like the idea of replicators, but forcing me to fight through an AI and zombies in a short time frame while not losing any mexes is extremely annoying. I beat the mission in 8:50 with the required 16 mexes, but it took me two tries and I definitely don't want to do another one.
3 \n
4 My commander kept getting stuck because of the terraform, costing me at least 15 seconds.
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4 Diff 2/5: Micro your constructors to not forget any wreckages, make sure you don't get raided. Time limit is tight but doable. 6 Diff 2/5: Micro your constructors to not forget any wreckages, make sure you don't get raided. Time limit is tight but doable.
5 Fun 0/42: Extremely annoying micro. 7 Fun 0/42: Extremely annoying micro.