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Programming language of ZK?

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1/26/2017 12:29:38 AMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
1/25/2017 9:31:15 PMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
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1 Well since we're all throwing in our opinions, I'd like to advocate strongly typed languages. The more explicit you have to be about what you intend, the easier it is for the computer to tell you when you're doing something wrong/dumb. Also, OOP is so much prettier in them. 1 Well since we're all throwing in our opinions, I'd like to advocate strongly typed languages. The more explicit you have to be about what you intend, the easier it is for the computer to tell you when you're doing something wrong/dumb. Also, OOP is so much prettier in them.
2 But I can definitely see the merits of a "throw a line into an interpreter and things happen" start to programming. No confusing auto-generated text bodies, no "arcane" steps to follow to achieve what you want. Then again, if you want to have some kind of UI (which I highly recommend, "click this button to read in the value in this edit and display it in this label" is such a great basis to explore out from), you won't really get around this. 2 But I can definitely see the merits of a "throw a line into an interpreter and things happen" start to programming. No confusing auto-generated text bodies, no "arcane" steps to follow to achieve what you want. Then again, if you want to have some kind of UI (which I highly recommend, "click this button to read in the value in this edit and display it in this label" is such a great basis to explore out from), you won't really get around this.
3 \n 3 \n
4 I fully agree that wanting to implement some idea, some project, is one of the best ways to learn - a friend of mine ( which I would've never expected to be the coder type) got so into developing his own space ship game ( including everything from databases over UI, 3D graphics and game logic to website design) that he started neglecting his engineering exams. It's important to balance your ambition ( and stamina) with the scope of your project though - don't try and build Starcraft III as your first programming exercise. Trying to make a dot move, or even [Pong]( https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pong) ( which, as I just learned, was only an exercise for its creator, too!) might be a good start though. 4 I fully agree that wanting to implement some idea, some project, is one of the best ways to learn - a friend of mine ( which I would've never expected to be the coder type) got so into developing his own space ship game ( including everything from databases over UI, 3D graphics and game logic to website design) that he started neglecting his engineering exams. It's important to balance your ambition ( and stamina) with the scope of your project though - don't try and build Starcraft III as your first programming exercise. Trying to make a dot move, or even [url=https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pong]Pong[/url] ( which, as I just learned, was only an exercise for its creator, too!) might be a good start though.