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Post edit history

B414783 11 on Titan-v2 (Bots)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
5/19/2016 7:14:54 AMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
5/19/2016 7:14:14 AMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
5/19/2016 7:11:51 AMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
Before After
1 back in the day, warlord on terra spike was a thing. 1 back in the day, warlord on terra spike was a thing.
2 \n 2 \n
3 http://i.imgur.com/PGozBFb.jpg 3 http://i.imgur.com/PGozBFb.jpg
4 \n 4 \n
5 \n 5 \n
6 nowadays, it jumps strangely around and does not glue on top. also, sorry for tk by collision damage of falling warlord. 6 nowadays, it jumps strangely around and does not glue on top ( TODO: gif this) . also, sorry for tk by collision damage of falling warlord.