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Vehicle antiheavy idea/neon

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8/15/2015 6:51:35 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
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1 are there any replays to back up that? it seems to me people generally avoid starting as tanks in 1v1s in high end games. 1 are there any replays to back up that? it seems to me people generally avoid starting as tanks in 1v1s in high end games.
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3 [quote]What is the lveh tool to fighting mixed Reapers & Banishers in 3+ size groups? 'Winning the game with lveh before this happens' is not a valid response.[/quote]
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5 a) why is not a valid response? the response to tank weakness in early game is "well theyre good at late game".
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7 b) its possible, ravagers make cost vs both if done right. (especially vs banishers who have about same hp as ravagers.)