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Commander morphing

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
4/26/2015 12:46:11 PMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
4/26/2015 12:44:09 PMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
4/26/2015 12:42:14 PMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
Before After
1 Not possible to gather sufficient social backing. 1 Not possible to gather sufficient social backing.
2 [spoiler]- noobs who wanted to play an RPG will baw (and they are usually listened to). 2 [spoiler]- noobs who wanted to play an RPG will baw (and they are usually listened to).
3 - there is a cult of features which makes it hard to remove anything. This is partially due to above. 3 - there is a cult of features which makes it hard to remove anything. This is partially due to above.
4 - morphing further than level 1 is neither problematic nor often seen at high level play. Thus, good players don't usually dislike comms enough to support removal of morph. 4 - morphing further than level 1 is neither problematic nor often seen at high level play. Thus, good players don't usually dislike comms enough to support removal of morph.
5 - modules are the only remaining form of unlocks and some argue that unlocks are crucial for people to feel progression.[/spoiler] 5 - modules are the only remaining form of unlocks and some argue that unlocks are crucial for people to feel progression.[/spoiler]
6 \n 6 \n
7 It's not really possible to make them non-noobtrap because of game design though ( this is an RTS, units should always be the focus, not the commander) . They are already good ( better than units!) in various niches. The feature should instead be improved where possible ( eg. make them customisable from ingame) . 7 It's not really possible to make them universally viable because of game design though ( this is an RTS, units should always be the focus, not the commander) . That said, they can already be good ( better than units!) in various niches.
8 \n
9 The feature should instead be improved from a technical standpoint where possible (eg. make them customisable from ingame) so that we're at least stuck with something reasonably polished.