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Post edit history

ZKL links

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/5/2015 8:10:39 PMPLrankFailer before revert after revert
3/5/2015 8:06:47 PMPLrankFailer before revert after revert
3/5/2015 8:05:16 PMPLrankFailer before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote]did you set in your system the IE as default. [/quote] 1 [quote]did you set in your system the IE as default. [/quote]
2 Im not in suicidal mood 2 Im not in suicidal mood
3 \n 3 \n
4 [quote]I have Firefox set as my default browser, and if i enable the "Use External Browser" option, ZKL seems to open links in Firefox.[/quote] 4 [quote]I have Firefox set as my default browser, and if i enable the "Use External Browser" option, ZKL seems to open links in Firefox.[/quote]
5 Okay, when I enabled this opton, it does open links from chat in Opera (my default browser), but it also opens Forum in browser, isntead of opening it directly in ZKL... The same with Replays, Maps, PlanetWars and Singlepayer buttons. 5 Okay, when I enabled this opton, it does open links from chat in Opera (my default browser), but it also opens Forum in browser, isntead of opening it directly in ZKL... The same with Replays, Maps, PlanetWars and Singlepayer buttons.
6 \n 6 \n
7 I'm on Win7 7 I'm on Win7
8 \n 8 \n
9 ___________________________
10 \n
11 Test link - http://warthunder.com/pl
12 \n
9 \n 13 \n