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raven fraeking spam

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Post edit history
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2/7/2015 2:33:33 PMAUrankAdminSaktoth before revert after revert
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1 Air is always going to be the best second factory because of the counter relationships. Most units the eneny has made cannot hurt air, and if he makes AA, that cannot hurt your other units. You go air to abuse this, try to do damage before he can field enough AA, then switch out of it again to render his AA investments useless (This is how the air start works, you quickly switch to land if you haven't won to exploit any AA investments). 1 Air is always going to be the best second factory because of the counter relationships. Most units the eneny has made cannot hurt air, and if he makes AA, that cannot hurt your other units. You go air to abuse this, try to do damage before he can field enough AA, then switch out of it again to render his AA investments useless (This is how the air start works, you quickly switch to land if you haven't won to exploit any AA investments).
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3 The other factories offer at best a vastly reduced version of this, as counter relationships of your new factory are never going to be as hard as the counter relationships or air > AA > land. 3 The other factories offer at best a vastly reduced version of this, as counter relationships of your new factory are never going to be as hard as the counter relationships or air > AA > land.
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5 The only way to change this would be more land units hitting air ( IE more stuff like Defender) . 5 The only way to change this would be more land units hitting air/more AA units hitting land ( IE more stuff like Defender) .