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raven fraeking spam

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/7/2015 1:30:45 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
Before After
1 problem started when weight was reduced by 30% and a small hp buff was included. the rest of the air fac already has been nerfed significantly, and ravens are the only bombers that arent on the fringe of uselessness in most circumstances. 1 problem started when weight was reduced by 30% and a small hp buff was included. the rest of the air fac already has been nerfed significantly, and ravens are the only bombers that arent on the fringe of uselessness in most circumstances.
2 \n 2 \n
3 suggest if you see ravens as a problem to revert the change and give other bombers a place to, specifically adressing phoenixes - that still have broken targeting, and are weak overall. 3 suggest if you see ravens as a problem to revert the change and give other bombers a place too, specifically adressing phoenixes - that still have broken targeting, and are weak overall.