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raven fraeking spam

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/7/2015 11:54:50 AMAUrankSnuggleBass before revert after revert
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1 I too think we should double the cost while taking away 1/4 of it's power, effectively reducing it's cost efficiency by 62.5%. The magnitude of a nerf should be proportional to the volume of noob BAWW. 1 I too think we should double the cost while taking away 1/4 of it's power, effectively reducing it's cost efficiency by 62.5%. The magnitude of a nerf should be proportional to the volume of noob BAWW.
2 \n 2 \n
3 /sarc 3 /sarc
4 \n 4 \n
5 I do think some of its power could be given to other units in the fac though. I don't think air fac is OP in 1v1, most of the time I don't think it's even viable. Nerfing ravens seems fine, but it will relegate it to a teams-only/second fac if that power is taken away entirely instead of redelegating it. 5 I do think some of its power could be given to other units in the fac though. I don't think air fac is OP in 1v1, most of the time I don't think it's even viable. Nerfing ravens seems fine, but it will relegate it to a teams-only/second fac if that power is taken away entirely instead of redistributing it.