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raven fraeking spam

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/7/2015 11:19:50 AMSkasi before revert after revert
2/7/2015 11:17:16 AMSkasi before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote]everyone knows ravens are more annoying than anythign else, right?[/quote] 1 [quote]everyone knows ravens are more annoying than anythign else, right?[/quote]
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3 That's a really hard question. [img]http://manual.zero-k.info/unitpics/corshad.png[/img] or [img]http://manual.zero-k.info/unitpics/corrl.png[/img] hmmm.... 3 That's a really hard question. [img]http://manual.zero-k.info/unitpics/corshad.png[/img] or [img]http://manual.zero-k.info/unitpics/corrl.png[/img] hmmm....
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6 [quote] The trick with air balance in general is to allow airstart to be viable yet not overly powerful. That is hard to acheive.[/quote]
7 I'm not sure about that. Didn't the whole problem with air becoming OP start with devs randomly assuming that all factories, including air, needed to be viable on almost any map.