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On pluking

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/4/2015 2:07:04 AMUSrankShaman before revert after revert
Before After
1 [img]https://60secondmotomojo.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/fail.jpg[/img] 1 [img]https://60secondmotomojo.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/fail.jpg[/img]
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3 Pretty much team games in general. The issue behind communication is that typing something out is not optimal and not everyone has mic. The steam implementation we have at the moment should be expanded upon, automatically joining other teammates into a room or something. Let 'em sort them out. VOIP is a necessity in communication. It would human-ify other people and let them see that oh gods there's people behind that monitor. 3 Pretty much team games in general. The issue behind communication is that typing something out is not optimal and not everyone has mic. The steam implementation we have at the moment should be expanded upon, automatically joining other teammates into a room or something. Let 'em sort them out. VOIP is a necessity in communication. It would human-ify other people and let them see that oh gods there's people behind that monitor. The day I see a [b]whole[/b] team communicating I'll start playing seriously for a change.
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5 [quote]people who have just given up and are playing some fun kooky strategy that will frustrate their teammates.[/quote]
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7 Yay where's my fellow kooky strategy-ers?