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B282864 18 on MountDustmoreV3 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
8/5/2014 6:13:48 PMGBrankKyubey before revert after revert
Before After
1 [img]http://i.imgur.com/ShWI9qL.jpg?1[/img] 1 [img]http://i.imgur.com/ShWI9qL.jpg?1[/img]
2 how to eco in ZK 8v8 2 how to eco in ZK 8v8
3 \n
4 1. start singu, troll around with the other 5 people that startes singu
5 2. stop singu, continue trolling
6 3. send rectors to reclaim units from the enemy lab
7 4. make nanos
8 5. send more rectors to reclaim enemy units
9 6. more nanos
10 7. build some glaive to protect nanos
11 8. more rectort to reclaim evrything
12 9. more nanos