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PlanetWars events

Time Event
6 years ago USrankSteel_Blue has built a Improved Wormhole on Empire planet Onyx.
6 years ago USrankSteel_Blue has built a Power Generator Unit on Empire planet Onyx.
6 years ago ZArankAstran has claimed planet Onyx for Empire . B567694
6 years ago All non-evacuated structures have been disabled on planet Onyx. B567694
6 years ago Empire attacked Onyx in B567694 and won. Empire gained 50 influence (100% from winning flawlessly of 35 base +15 from dropships)
6 years ago USrankSteel_Blue sends 12 Empire dropships to Onyx
6 years ago USrankSteel_Blue sends 3 Empire dropships to Onyx
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