I don't see torpedo anymore, and gauss seems to need lvl 999 now therefore disabling it. What happened?
+0 / -0
Torpedo was removed (did it ever exist? if so, before my time) and gauss was effectively removed for the same reason - they would be the only comm weapons that could shoot underwater. Having no com weapons which shoot underwater is viewed as preferable to having only a couple, and some players being screwed over by not having them.
+0 / -0
Screwed how? How is it different to having a comm that cannot shoot at air or that is too slow / doesn't have enough range to fight skirmishers?
+0 / -0
I don't know the details of the argument, but (for instance) if two commanders meet underwater, one having an underwater weapon and the other not, one of the commanders is going to die without ever being able to inflict damage on the other. Commanders meeting is a thing that happens. I don't know of a commander build that can, at low upgrade levels, effectively combat air or skirmishers. A gausscomm would be able to fight underwater at level 1.
+0 / -0
Comm's missile launcher can fire at air units and has a range of 415. Rocket Launcher has a range of 430. The standoff rocket modifier that gives +50% range is available at lvl2, effectively allowing the comm to outrange a defender. If the player expects his comm to have to go underwater alone, he'd better choose a build that includes underwater firing weapons. In the worst case scenario, he can always start building a torpedo launcher on the spot. BTW, are there any special weapon types (like Dgun) that work underwater?
+0 / -0
Yes torpedo com module existed until Xivender made nearly unbeatable sea troll com and most players followed what caused an quick end of torpedoes on commanders. :)
+0 / -0
...with ensuing classic   Xivender engrish rage.
+3 / -0
@Smaggy is right. There was a time when every sea game consisted of lvl5 double-torpedo trollcomms with stacked range or autorepair being used as main frontline unit.
+0 / -0
Good old times. Especially the sonic gun days.
+2 / -0
quote: Having no com weapons which shoot underwater is viewed as preferable to having only a couple |
Actually no. The problem was that commanders were the only heavy underwater-combat unit that existed. This broke the "commanders should not be the best choice at any job" rule. Furthermore anti-heavy units like Spy, Skuttle, etc. do not work against underwater targets, which means heavy UW-combat units completely mess up sea games.
+3 / -0
Commanders are just too healthy and potentially long ranged to fit into underwater combat.
+2 / -0
A sea commander should be able to kill early raiders without the need of static weapons, just as on land. Torpedo Troll Coms are really a problem though. That "some players would be screwed for not having" Torpedo Launcher is actually not an issue, since all reasonable sea players would use torpedos. There would just have to be a Torpedo Trainer Com (or even better Trainer coms would be replaced by default unlocks finally). In order to prevent Troll Coms, maybe only allow Torpedo Launcher for Support, Reckon and Siege Coms without stackable modules except Nanolathe and High Power Servos? Or limit morph to lvl 3 for Torpedo Coms? I know, those ideas would require a little change of the system, but the idea of incompatible modules is already there. Another thing would be viable underwater striders/anti heavy units..
+0 / -0
But why removing it entirely? Nerfing comm torpedo DPS or range didn't work? (So that a com wouldn't be completely defenseless, but also couldn't become the ultimate underwater killing machine.) And what about gauss? Were people trolling with it too? Also I thought precision bombers worked on underwater units, aren't they a good counter to these comms?
+0 / -0
Also it is very restrictive. Once you pick a torpedo commander it is only useful in the sea. This can be a large blind RPS decision on a mixed map.
+1 / -0
quote: Also it is very restrictive. Once you pick a torpedo commander it is only useful in the sea. This can be a large blind RPS decision on a mixed map. |
Google, please. Once you pick a torpedo shotgun commander it is only useful in the sea on the land. This can be a large blind RPS decision on a mixed map. Having no underwater weapons forces you to: 1) Keep you com in base, thus much slower early expansion. (it still can die due to daggers, snakes or ducks rush) 2) Keep your commander surrounded with untis all the time. I think I dont have to explain why its a bad solution 3) Morph your 60BP com to lvl5 just to be able to make instant urchin. 4) Reclaim your com ASAP.
+0 / -0
 Failer think about what you said for a few minutes and you will realize that it made no sense.
+3 / -0
All L1 comms have roughly similar abilities. There are differences, but they're all generally "heavy riot" units. As comms level up, their powers diverge, but at L1 they're pretty similar. Torpedo launchers break this. You have comms with completely different capabilities at L1, creating full-on pre-game RPS. One comm can fight in the water, and the other can fight on land, and they're completely different units now. If comms should be able to fight in the water, it shouldn't be module-based. That kind of basic, core feature of comms is not a modular thing.
+0 / -0
Hmm, I guess then all coms could be given a weak torpedo weapon so that they aren't completely powerless underwater? But what about gauss?
+0 / -0
Gauss weapons have been changed in that they can now all fire into water, making them flex-torpedoes with the same gameplay considerations as torpedos. I assume at some point they will be renamed to keep their fluff sensible.
+0 / -0
quote: I assume at some point they will be renamed to keep their fluff sensible. |
A rename (to "phase") was submitted but didn't happen. About the Comm module: I don't see a need for the Gauss; you already have  &  as skirming weapons with  to boot if you want to be even more skirmy.
+0 / -0