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Upgrade ideas

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14 years ago
Some kind of underwater commander upgrade weapon would be sweet. So, you could fight subs. For example like a torpedo launcher. Would be useful in water starts.

Another idea is maybe to remove the amphibious ability of battle commander and increase hp a bit. Would make strike commander more useful.
+2 / -0

14 years ago
We wouldnt want to have map dependent choices: You'd just always take the strike commander on water or mixed maps. There would be no reason to take the battlecom. If we buff the battlecom to compensate, then strike commander never appears on regular maps, and is for water maps only.

We've discussed an amph module but it would be -required- to play on sea maps anyway. You basically cant make a shipyard without it. We might have torpedo weapons/modules, though.
+0 / -0

14 years ago
Thats silly argument saktoth.

I think that torpedo upgrade is good idea and no it is not mandatory! Is AA weapon mandatory just because you might get attacked by air?? Same for torpedo weapon, its still a choice, worthless on many maps and on some valid choice, thats fine.
+0 / -0
14 years ago
I was just thinking what if the amphibious weapon was like the old amphibious kbot weapon. A torpedo launcher when under water and a weak green laser when above. So your comm would not be helpless.
+0 / -0

14 years ago
I was talking about amph module Licho. Not Torpedo weapon. Torpedo weapon is fine, and is a tradeoff -because- it makes you defenseless above water.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
The torpedo weapon on coms was interesting.
+6 / -1

OT: it wasn't good because it was 0 choice. It would've been good if sea was like IoG but most maps are either dry or have terrible lane-based sea so being defenseless above ground has no meaning at all.
+2 / -0
We wouldnt want to have map dependent choices: You'd just always take the strike commander on water or mixed maps. There would be no reason to take the battlecom. If we buff the battlecom to compensate, then strike commander never appears on regular maps, and is for water maps only.

But now u upgrade your com however u like during the game. So this argument is invalid.


OT: it wasn't good because it was 0 choice. It would've been good if sea was like IoG but most maps are either dry or have terrible lane-based sea so being defenseless above ground has no meaning at all.

Make make torps as a module, so u still can get your weapon. Or make them like duck's torp which u can fire above water.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Necromancy or not even lv 20 comms die to ducks now, so torp/gauss/other submarine weapons on comms are still an argument. And no, porcing is not a valid options, this game does not loves porcers.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
IT ''was'' 0 choice because people dont play sea maps, becsaue they are terribly balanced. And a part of terible water balance is LACK-OF-ANY-UNDERWATER-WEAPON-FOR-COMMANDER. which makes u spam urchins every 10 meters u move with ur commander, which turns seato porc wars, which turns sea to awful crawling game.

Also.. If having torpedo as a weapon is bad, because it maks udefenceless on groud is bad... Why having any otehr weapon which makes u defenceless udnerwater isn't?
+2 / -1
But now u upgrade your com however u like during the game. So this argument is invalid.

In the past you chose the chassis during the game too. Currently it would still be mandatory to take torp in a sea game and to skip it everywhere else.

Make make torps as a module, so u still can get your weapon. Or make them like duck's torp which u can fire above water.

Still 0-choice as a module. Mandatory to take in sea.

If having torpedo as a weapon is bad, because it maks udefenceless on groud is bad... Why having any otehr weapon which makes u defenceless udnerwater isn't?

Not as a weapon! As a morph.

As a morph it's bad because you always have to choose it in sea. If everyone just had innate torps without the need to morph (or every normal weapon including the starting laser worked in water) it would be ok.

Alternatively a morph would be ok if all sea was IoG-like but that requires map pool changes.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
If zero-choice is the problem, why not have different torpedo modules? Fast fire, sniper torp, aoe torp,... Just like the different land weapons. Maybe als reintroduce gauss gun as a weaker weapon that works both on land and in water.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Meh the only problem with torps was when they were buffed to be stronger like ground weapons. This made sense to me at the time but now I realize how strong it was to be able to make comms with that kind of power underwater, where damages are generally lower. I don't think there needs to be that much choice, it's about being able to defend yourself underwater which is pretty important.

Alternatively we can just make all torpedo weaponry surface to fire and make comms floatable.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I don't think there needs to be that much choice, it's about being able to defend yourself underwater which is pretty important.

If anything, this means that needs to be innate, not a module.

Or people could just quit playing pure sea maps with mandatory water. Sea is effectively just an inferior ZK - not only because of current balance, it's simply not possible to make sea gameplay as good as land for various reasons (for example there is never any interesting terrain, the surface is flat). Maps where it's an optional domain are more interesting.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Sea is flat but there are submarine unitsthat does not touch ground (submarines), submarine units that touches ground (amphs), units that float or move on water (ships and surfaced amphs), and units that moves over water (hovers), oh and even low altitude and high altitude airfighters (respectively gunships and planes). Interaction could be build with these different domains in mind.
+2 / -0
I've always wished coms had a unique starting weapon. Nothing stronger than the bandit gun, just something unique. Can we give coms a starting weapon that functions above and below water? This wouldn't solve the issue of choice, but it would partially deal with the 'coms are defenseless' complaint.

EDIT: It would also make this unit we're forced to use every game a bit more classy. And even possibly cut down on trollcoms if it does, because people would be slightly more reluctant to change their starting weapon. Even if it is as weak as a bandit gun.
+0 / -0
Not as a weapon! As a morph.

As a morph it's bad because you always have to choose it in sea. If everyone just had innate torps without the need to morph (or every normal weapon including the starting laser worked in water) it would be ok.

Ive got 2 ways of arguing here.
The more retarded one - Any weapon is a zero choice then. Standard pew-pew is almsot as usless as no weapon at all. You can't kill nearly anything with it.

THe more revelant one -

I have suggested this a long time ago, right after torpedos were removed in the 1st place - Give commanders 2nd weapon on lvl0 (1 now). Some kind of weak torpedo or else. YOu morph to lvl 1 and pick up a weapon - either a water dedicated or land dedicated - and turdpedo or pew-pew is replaced respectivly. U morph ot lvl 3 and pick up 2nd weapon - the remaining one is repalced. As simpel as that.
+0 / -0