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Tips for catching up faster?

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10 years ago
Will the game catchup faster if i minimize it? The logic is that, if its not displayed, there are no resources being used on graphix.

In BA i notice that in the expanded mini-map mode the game was faster and smoother when catching up, and figured that the same might apply to ZK?
+0 / -0
Type /Speed
This displays the actual speed at which the simulation runs. If any of your actions increase this, then it helps.

When I'm low on FPS I usually disable LoS-view first. As a spectator I also press F5 if I wanna watch the game, or tab out if I wanna catch up.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
If you zoom into the corner of the map, it increases your FPS dramatically. I have no idea why but that's what I usually just do this when catching up, not sure if it helps or not. /Luaui Disable will also increase FPS a lot. Definitely feels like alt-tabbing makes it slower.
+0 / -0
10 years ago

If you zoom into the corner of the map, it increases your FPS dramatically. I have no idea why but that's what I usually just do this when catching up, not sure if it helps or not. /Luaui Disable will also increase FPS a lot. Definitely feels like alt-tabbing makes it slower.

often times looking at blank or low detailed parts of a field in games can increase FPS as not much particles,etc are drawn. alt-tabbing would put the game in the background, so depending on the system configuration(usually the top window has priority) you'd give slightly more time to another window, which is usually not desired when trying to boost the performance
+0 / -0
edit: i cant read posts...

just do that luaui disable thingie, it really helps
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I also recommend zooming into the corner :)

Even with the MT engine it will have some positive effect, because it reduces the locking related overhead.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
For some reason I folowed everyone's advice and the simulation speed number refused to go higher then 1.00 even though the catchup was clearly going at about 4x speed when zoomed in and everything!
+0 / -0
Oh, that is Spring 91 thing. In Spring 97+ it show correct speed IMO (need confirmation!)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
How does the speed of the internet connection influence the speed of catching up ?
I can't see much difference between zooming into a corner or watching a fight in the middle.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
here is my tip, but in german, my english is too bad, i hope another will translate:
1. Minimiere mit der Windowstaste ZeroK/SpringEngine, so dass Du auf dem Desktop schaust.
2. STRG+ALT+ENTF drücken, dann auf Prozesse zu Spring/ZK auswählen und mit einem Rechtsklick die Priorität auf Sehr Hoch stellen.
3. Dann ein bisschen warten und das Minimierte Fenster wieder Maximieren.

Sollte noch zu viel Zeit aufzuholen sein, dann wieder Minimieren und später wieder Maximieren.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
^ translating:

1) Minimize Spring with the Windows key so you look at the desktop
2) Press CTRL+ALT+DEL, select Spring/ZK and right click to set the priority to Very High
3) Then wait for a bit and maximize the window.

If there's still a lot of time left to catch up, minimize again and maximize at a later time.
+2 / -0
If setting process on high somehow noticeably improves performance it means that your WINDOWS (obviously not linux) computer is either infected or has a lot of crapware running on and slowing game.

I would recommend to check CPU usage on idle.
+2 / -0
10 years ago

If setting process on high somehow noticeably improves performance it means that your WINDOWS (obviously not linux) computer is either infected or has a lot of crapware running on and slowing game.

I would recommend to check CPU usage on idle.

this. priority only affects the scheduler. if there's nothing running it has to do something to keep the processor fed with instructions, but once programs are running it gives each a slice of time. higher=more time, but that only makes a difference if it was competing in the first place (web browser open,antivirus is scanning,etc)
+0 / -0
Sometimes OS do hidden stuff IMO. For example: Windows Vista, let it idle and suddenly your Laptop get hot and fan speeding up, but when you use it, it return to normal.

I can't see anything in Vista CTRL+ALT+DEL (Task Manager), else I'd destroy/delete the service/startup-application or whatever that is doing that silly thing already.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Figured out why my sim speed won't go any faster: it maxes out that single processor that it is using!

+0 / -0
10 years ago

Sometimes OS do hidden stuff IMO. For example: Windows Vista, let it idle and suddenly your Laptop get hot and fan speeding up, but when you use it, it return to normal.

I can't see anything in Vista CTRL+ALT+DEL (Task Manager), else I'd destroy/delete the service/startup-application or whatever that is doing that silly thing already.

which is probably caused be defragmenting or indexing(there might be other idle-time processes too. those are just the ones I know of so far that activate when the pc is idle)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
If /luaui disable gives a huge boost in fps, then I recommend to see what widgets you use by profiling them. Most widgets should be well-written but some are not, and could cause an unnecessary performance drop.

Here is a widget profiler widget: http://springfiles.com/spring/lua-scripts/widget-profiler
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