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13 years ago
Why 0k dont have walls like in other mods? Dragon's/Shark's Teeth? We know that solars can act as wall, but it isnt the same.

Also we know that reclaiming enemies is not allowed in 0k, so making dragon teeth as a map feature isnt resolve for this problem?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
afaik terraforming replaced walls ages ago, when you placed terraforming-blocks like walls. They even had the same footprint as wall elements if i remember right
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Oh. I forgot.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah nobody uses terraforming anymore just because it is under 'Special'. Out of sight out of mind.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Not just that, its also very hard to use - tool is too complex and cannot be queued and combined with normal structures easilly.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I know where it is and i still struggle to use it, though i would normally put llt on hills or build walls in front of hlt etc
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of terraforming. It's a cool trick from a design viewpoint but the gameplay value is low. I only ever see terraforming used to hide commanders in a hole or on a spire and annoy everyone, or to create canals for warlords, which I don't approve of (sea units should stay in the sea).

I'd much rather see some form of cheap, tough, reclaimable wall structure instead.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Terraform is much too powerful if people are able to dedicate just 10 apm to it. It can easily create access to enemy bases - you are able to just walk up a ramp far off any enemy defense when they're on a hill, it's just that people can't be bothered. I'd be using terraform every game if it was supported by gestures. I'd be happy if the upper right submenu was filled with terraform buttons. If anybody tells me how to do that, I'll even do it myself. :)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Noone knows why terraform cannot be put into gesture. (Some people partially know.)

I know my side of the story. Clicking a terraform button in the gesture menu merely needs to set the active command on the mouse, that_is_all it needs to do. Licho complains about 'mouse grabbing conflicting with gesture' but I have no clue why this is a problem! Gesture does not initiate terraform drawing, it just needs to set the active command.

Of course I don't know Licho's side or I'd know everything and would subsequently be able to implement gesture terraform.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I don't understand why TerraFrom Marks can't be handled like structures ...

But I would really apprecate a more simple way to place a 2x2, 3x3 or a 4x4 block - because the isometric it's really hard to get the right size in one of both direction.

It's also hard to decide, witch height we need to protect a Stardust from different units like a Glaive only - or even Bandits...

Then ppls would change the altitude of LLTs and Defenders more often, so that they can't be destroyed by early raids.

A 2x2 or 3x3 Glaive/Bandit protector TerraMark would be nice to solve this problem ;)

I think the most ppls dislike walls due to laggs and because nobody knows how large it have to be to disallow specific units to pass.

Even with our tutorial too much ppls doesn't even know about the different pathing of vehicles or that hovers are vehicles.

Also TerraForm DON'T block Spiders - walls do block them.
I think that's the main reason to re-add "Spider blockers".
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Wall: http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#unit-Solar%20Collector

Adv Wall: http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#unit-Razor%27s%20Kiss
+0 / -0
13 years ago
yes, but razor's kiss has a 3x3 footprint and cost 280/3 = 63 metal instead of 10 or 20 for each "block".
+0 / -0

13 years ago
63/block is the price you pay for the advanced version, it has 15k HP which is not to be scoffed at.

Solar has a much more affordable 14/block but only 2k HP. Not only does solar cover more area but it also has some use as an energy generator.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I use solar walls quite often you will be suprised how many raiders a llt can down when there are some solars as protection in front of it. Then ofc after that you can ress them hehe.

So far i found that llt + solars is a quite tough nut to break and it covers alot more area than just llt's. On top of that they make E and are cheap. Through like any porc it is countered by arti through it doesnt fall that easily to it.

I use teraform when they use penetrators or anihilators against me. It works wonderfully vs them. I just putted my tremor behind a teraform wall and they just couldnt kill it. Through it is less effective (but still works very good) vs plasma artilery since their projectiles arc. All the raiders they send to me where killed and ressed so i ended up with a really big army at minimal costs.

oh and 3x3 = 9 blocks not 3
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I'd like to see more trench warfare with terraform just to see how it plays out.

3x3 = 3 blocks when you want to create a perimeter.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You need an arcing EMG and a cheap high trajectory unit for real trench warfare.

The problem about digging trenches is that while it is good at blocking vehicles, and does offer protection for bots against arty, is that trenches, like fixed defences, don't move.

You need something to make sure enemies don't go around it (arcing EMG to shoot out of trench and maintain cover), and be able to shell enemy territory from your trench (cheap high trajectory).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
My bad, you can always ramp your side of the trench, in which case wolverines are your cheap high trajectory, and to a lesser extent, merls.

Wolverines are even good at making a minefield in between your trench and enemy areas. Minefield and trenches... XD
+0 / -0
13 years ago
hmm wolverine + teraform sounds like a fun strategy to try out
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I didn't mean terraform limited to digging down to make trenches. You can make wide "trenches" with walls. Rouges and Recluse have a high arc, with a wall in front you could probably move up and hit a HLT.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Wall + tremor so they cant snipe your tremor that easily. Also when you see some nab going air make 4 hacksaws and watch the slaughter XD (they killed like 20-30 times their metal lol).
+0 / -0
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