qwerty3wI've actually been tinkering with a mutator along those lines.
Gunships are a *role*, like riot/raider/skirm/etc. They have the same counter-structure. There are variations within the gunships - BD is high-alpha, Banshee is fast, rapier can shoot air... but still they're used fundamentally similarly and are countered similarly. This is comparable to how we have Pyros and Glaives and Ducks and Scrubbers, which all have common raider-usage and counters, but different detailed mechanics.
So the logical conclusion is to split them into the labs. We don't have a riot lab or a raider lab or a skirmisher lab, why have a gunship lab?
So my approach is that the plane lab becomes the "bomber lab" and all other aircraft units are split into the various land-labs - this includes fighters and the Crane. Bomber lab is non-ploppable. While you could reclaim your land-lab for bombers, you could alternately just build a BD or a Brawler at your land-lab.
Which creates the problem: BD + land-lab eats comms for breakfast. So comms need AA.
Which is my problem - I'm trying to figure out how to bolt AA onto all comms for this mutator.