So whadda ya think?
It simply grows as time goes on, you can reclaim it to get metal. You can connect it to your E network to make it grow faster. By default mexes are prespawned and indestructible.
Stable: Version 1.0.4.
Test: Version 1.0.6.
oremex_invul - 1/0 controls whether they are indestructable. Default 1.
oremex_prespawn - 1/0 controls whether map has prespawned extractors. Default 1.
oremex_metal - 0-10000, controls how much prespawned metal will be scattered. Default 35.
oremex_overdrive - 1/0 controls whether you can power them up with traditional OD and increase digging speed. Default 1.
1.0.3 mod options, new:
oremex_inf - 1/0. Infinite growth. Default: false.
oremex_uphill - 1/0. Slower uphill growth. Default: true.
oremex_harm - 0-10000. Ore harm! It stacks around, so 3x3 ore field does 9x more damage
in center. Default: 0 dmg per second.
1.0.5 mod options, new:
oremex_crystal - 1/0. Crystal model. Default: true.
1.0.6 mod options, new:
oremex_communism - 1/0. If true 100% of ore income is shared between alive&active players. Default: true.
WARNING. Tiberium/ore decloaks units! (which is actually spring bug, wrecks shouldn't decloak...?)