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Tiberium/ore mex mode

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So whadda ya think?
It simply grows as time goes on, you can reclaim it to get metal. You can connect it to your E network to make it grow faster. By default mexes are prespawned and indestructible.
Stable: Version 1.0.4.
Test: Version 1.0.6.

oremex_invul - 1/0 controls whether they are indestructable. Default 1.
oremex_prespawn - 1/0 controls whether map has prespawned extractors. Default 1.
oremex_metal - 0-10000, controls how much prespawned metal will be scattered. Default 35.
oremex_overdrive - 1/0 controls whether you can power them up with traditional OD and increase digging speed. Default 1.
1.0.3 mod options, new:
oremex_inf - 1/0. Infinite growth. Default: false.
oremex_uphill - 1/0. Slower uphill growth. Default: true.
oremex_harm - 0-10000. Ore harm! It stacks around, so 3x3 ore field does 9x more damage
in center. Default: 0 dmg per second.
1.0.5 mod options, new:
oremex_crystal - 1/0. Crystal model. Default: true.
1.0.6 mod options, new:
oremex_communism - 1/0. If true 100% of ore income is shared between alive&active players. Default: true.

WARNING. Tiberium/ore decloaks units! (which is actually spring bug, wrecks shouldn't decloak...?)
+11 / -0
11 years ago
Looks silly. I like silly things. Me gusta. Need to try it finally.
+1 / -0

11 years ago

Even with domi? :P
+0 / -0
NIce UArankIvica, now i really want to test it and see how you made the new ore model:D
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Also: http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=27173
+1 / -0
UArankIvica now u need to make new special strider. Heavy, armed, designed to steal ore from enemy territory :D
And make mexes morphable. Silly me.
+0 / -0
maybe you should post how to enable it?

modoption=ccmex??!1?!! or wat?

other than that, i like it. great work.

did i understand it right: mex is built, owned by nobody, indestructable, uncapturable, throws out rocks, connected with energy throws out more rocks?
+0 / -0
connected with energy throws out more rocks

Kinda wierd. If enemy kill your forward outpost but ignore pylons, and u dont notice it, u will feed him metal with your singus. Lel.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
speaking of which, ist it possible to hijack enemy grid by giving pylons to them? -.-
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I don't think you can give units to enemy...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
U can give units to enemy, if u do !setoptions sharemode(or "share")=anyone .
But is the ore an unit, or just a... well, metal lyng on the ground?
+0 / -0
It's a wreck. It almost surely can't be resurrected, before anyone asks.
+0 / -0
ZK has a three-word vocabulary when dealing with the object class called a "feature" in the engine.

A wreck is a corpse of once living unit that can be resurrected, reclaimed, and absorbed by puppies.

A debris is a corpse of once living unit that cannot be resurrected, but can be reclaimed or absorbed by puppies.

Everything else is a feature. That means it can be reclaimed, but cannot be resurrected and absorbed.

Therefore, i think that ore is a "feature" :)
+2 / -0

11 years ago
lel evil google analytics present me c&c tiberium alliances advertisment in this here!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It's feature.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I hear that the current model is a ThreeDecadesOld model. I could make a new one if someone else would texture it. TheMooseIsLoose said he may be able to do the texturing, so I will get the model made.
+1 / -0
Would you like to join UArankIvica's cult?

+1 / -0
11 years ago
Is 320metal per mex prespawned too OP?
Some maps are covered in metal like... 16000 metal if there are 50 mexes present.
Make it 120metal instead? (half caretaker price)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Make it 0. No BD rushers support. It will keep spawing, and u still have ur 500 startling metal.
+0 / -0
Okay. I will not commit new features, until existing version gets into stable. (so nothing breaks further) I will only bugfix, if anything pops up that is. I had a lot of Oxygen games today and I fixed anything I believe.
+0 / -0
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