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Title: TEAMS: All welcome!
Host: CZrankSpringiee9
Game version: Zero-K v1.2.2.10
Engine version: 91.0
Battle ID: 238470
Started: 10 years ago
Duration: 23 minutes
Players: 14
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 2
Chance of victory: 57.5%


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10 years ago
Long commentary:
This game felt kind of basic-classic to me. The two sides advanced roughly to the middle, and then there was a slow push that turned into a faster (but still too slow) charge through enemy territory.

My commentary will be focused on the right side of the map, because that is where I was.

While playing, I kept worrying that the enemy would push and go right through my defenses. Watching the replay, I can see why they didn't.
For example, at 6:00 to 6:30 in, the player opposite me (Anir) tries a push with the bandits that have been his front line; they all die, accomplishing seemingly little. At that point, he is down to three thugs and a felon; I have a lot more (although my front line is mostly rockos, so not so strong).

The next push (7:00 to 7:30 in) is pushed back again, and ends with Anir's commander being destoryed by our air player, just seconds after I mark him. I don't know if the air player had noticed the commander before, or if the bombers were coming after the felons and just changed to the target of opportunity.

My commander had a radar jammer, but early on it didn't matter; the opposing team had no radar coverage of our side of the map. (By contrast, my neighbor and I both built radars on our hill, not very far from each other.)

To counter the opposing porc, I'm both morphing my commander (who has a sniper's shock rifle) and producing hammers. The hammers mostly just distract the enemy; an attempted rush is turned away, with at least one bandit lost to my stinger.

Ten minutes in, the enemy has a metal production advantage, a smaller offensive army, and more static defense, if I'm reading the chart right.

After the ten minute mark, my commander is morphed to the point of having the shock rifle, and I start using it. The opposing team's radar coverage has improved (thank's to their third-from-right player), but still misses the right third of my battle line (before taking my jammer into account).

Around eleven minutes in, I send my commander over to help my neighbor (icklefluffybunny). His direct opponent (s0m3on3) responds (did he actually know it was me?) by sending a group of ravager's over to try to sneak around my line. They initial back away (11:40), but then Anir sends forward a shield ball and the ravagers run past. I took significant casualties from the sheild ball, but it retreats; if it had pushed, I don't know who would have won. The ravagers run past my defenses, instead of trying to kill them (perhaps because they were hit by the stiletto; perhaps they would have anyway). While that meant they got further, it also meant the defenses were in place if a second rush was attempted later.

Around this time (12:05-12:20), one of our allies (Graybeard) does a scrubber rush against s0m3on3's artillary, and icklefluffybunny successfully attacks with reapers.

The ravagers that rushed along the edge are continuing to do significant damage in the back area; I've got mostly rockos chasing them.

Back in the front, another ally (YurGa) does a major panther rush (24 of them) against the already s0m3on3's already very weakened position (just two ravagers and two wolerines). The opposing team still has a metal advantage, but they also still have a smaller army. YurGa's push reaches all the way to the opposing back wall (14:45). While playing, I actually didn't notice. I'd noticed YurGa's attack on my neighbor's opponent, but I didn't notice how much further it went.

Meanwhile, Anir has a sharpshooter at the front, while I never knew during the game. My commander's radar jammer makes it less useful, and I'm bringing an eraser forward as well (so that I can move my commander further from my line, without exposing my line). At this time (15:15), the eraser won't be doing much, because the opposing time doesn't have radar coverage of any of my or my neighbor's units.

The sharpshooter just plugs a shot into a reaper (6800 hp; didn't do much) and retreats. It is killed not long after (around 16:00), during a push from icklefluffybunny, which really starts our push on the right side. Anir has virtually no units to stop us; s0m3on3 sends over a group of scorchers to reinforce (16:10).

Our push is slow and cautious, but by 17:05, we have a path straight back with just some air and one llt in our way. s0m3on3 still has some ravagers, over toward the middle. The opposing team still lacks radar coverage of the right side. s0m3on3 sends the ravagers to attack, but they are destroyed without much loss (17:55). Anir sends some bandits, but they don't last long.

Over toward the middle, YurGa is sending groups of panthers into the middle-to-right space, which is pretty open (18:05).

I stopped to build some backstop defense (a razor's kiss, a stardust, and then a stinger; yes, I was paranoid about a counter-attack), and had my line (which is mostly rockos) advance cautiously. With YurGa's panthers right-of-center, the right-side opponents can't get reinforcements, except for air. And our air player wins the air battle.

My advance was probably too cautious, but the eraser finally got to do something, hindering the enemies' response. s0m3on3 made his own eraser, and had a moderately successful raid with scorchers.

While playing, I didn't even notice the krow that our air player sent to help. I wasn't paying nearly enough attention to the larger map; I wasn't even paying attention to things within my units' sight line. ;-)

After that, it was just push a little more, and the opposing team resigned.

While playing, I knew that our air player (JohnHunter) was good. Watching the replay, I see that he was really good. I built a token amount of anti-air (two jethros and one razor), but our air player controlled the enemies' air so well that my anti-air didn't see much use.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
You morphed com and made eraser, dont do that:P
+0 / -0

10 years ago
why is there no TLDR summary!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
TLDR was right at the start.
This game felt kind of basic-classic to me

If I may translate that:
Towercreep until a perfectly horizontal front was created, then after a couple minutes one side of the front fell and enemies started invading enemy bases from behind.

I did not watch the game nor read more of USrankfallingsnow than quoted above when I wrote this, but from my experience that's a "classic CCR game".
+2 / -0
10 years ago
"Towercreep until a perfectly horizontal front was created, then after a couple minutes one side of the front fell and enemies started invading enemy bases from behind."

Actually, there was less porc than usual (at least on my side of the map), and no tower creeping. And the side that had the better attack-from-behind ended up losing. ;-)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
In any teams larger than 3v3 nodef is pretty much essential unless you want a game all about tower creep. Nobody seems to understand why allowing porc to prolong games leads to more lag.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Spongie, ZK games are all about winning, not about getting most fps.
+1 / -0