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Title: TEAMS: All welcome!
Host: CZrankSpringiee1
Game version: Zero-K v1.2.1.8
Engine version: 91.0
Battle ID: 231573
Started: 11 years ago
Duration: 33 minutes
Players: 17
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 65.1%


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If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.

brb making alt acounts x1000, bannana happy nubs are no fun
+1 / -1
11 years ago
this kind of repeated massive griefing probably does help a lot for making zk attractive to new players. good job kyubey.
+0 / -0
^.^ actualy chains like that are atractive to newbies, cause epic shiny...

by the way its not my singus that exploded, you took ownership of them through kick
BAN HE, DErankKlon is the greif!!!
+0 / -1
11 years ago
My internet cut out, I didn't quit. Also, if you want a guide to building walls efficiently watch me in this game :D
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Still searching for the rabbit...
+1 / -0
GBrankKyubey, your gamma must be completely fucked up. The map should be almost black.

DErankAdminmojjj: LittleBunnyWabbit, Wabbit - W(hite) (r)abbit.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Skasi: the screenshot was made by me. It's supposed to be black? o_O
+0 / -0
Yah. Ask Klon. It's night and there's fog and whatnot.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
So that patch of empty land over there... is that what this image is about? Or does he mean the balance? Or what? I just don't get it...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
that patch of empty land used to be our base before kyubeys chained singus destroyed it.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Yes, i figured. But next time he needs to make the image smaller or people might actually see stuff (no, "View Image" doesn't help).
+1 / -0
+5 / -1
D: singus are so hard to chain these days... you need to build them really close together, or build boom supporting pylons for them to chain properly

can someone revert the singu chain range nerf plox!!!

kudos to USrank[I]burp for dat video, i still don't get how my team lost XD
+1 / -1
11 years ago
Dat chain
Didn't expect it to be so long
Worth the ban
+2 / -1
11 years ago
You should feel bad, ddaba. Your chain failed extremely hard on the first half. Tsk tsk tsk.
+3 / -0
11 years ago
i dont know how you guys can still find this stuff funny. was funny he did it once, granted, but now its just ruining games on purpose.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This is the first time I saw them actually chainexplode.
+3 / -0
ive sucsessfuly chainsploded singus in "new" ZK 2 times

once in a 1v1, i built 40 singus + starlight in 30 minutes (i still won, cause im me [boast] [boast] [boast])

once here, and even then not sucsessfully...

in "old" ZK, the singus had far more boom then they do now... there wasnt really any way to safely build a singu without chaning them (everyone made the singu chain lol desu)

again i demand chain range reverted to old version where wind/fusion/singus chained (curently singu needs to be within llt range to chain together...)
+1 / -0

11 years ago
The Singularity explosion has not been changed since October 2010. It was probably unchanged for a while before that but I'd have to dig up another SVN to find out.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
it may be an engine bug, most buildings these days that used to chain, don't.
+0 / -0