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Why are my builders lazy?

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11 years ago
Often when I give a build order, the builder stands there for ~2s, and then cancels the order itself. (This applies to builder units and to my commander.) If I give the same order again, it'll usually work the second time, but occasionally I have to give it a third time in order to work.

This happens when the constructor is initially idle, with no enemy units nearby. Sometimes it'll affect the first item of a queue, too: e.g. if I ctrl-w to build several mexes, the builder will stay still for a few seconds, then erase the first mex from the queue and go straight to the second.

What could be causing this? It seems like some widget should be the culprit, but it doesn't seem to fit with the "use idle engis" widget or the "dynamic avoidance" widget. It makes it a lot harder to play, as every time I give a build order, I have to watch the builder for a few seconds to make sure it is complying.
+0 / -0
Can you paste Infolog.txt of your current ZK? I wish to see the list of widget and make comparison to see which one is the odd one.

Also, could you repeat the bugs at least 3 time in a row, usually if we able to repeat it we will be able to see the cause of the bug (maybe you did something you did not expect to cause bug).
+0 / -0

11 years ago
sometimes if you queue up buildings, i also made the experience that they get cancelled. but there are conditions, which cause this.

if you queue up too close, the second (smaller, e.g. a lotus) building may be allowed before the first building (e.g. a lv fac) was completed, but later it is disallowed and therefore cancelled.
second thing is a timeout to try to complete the queue, e.g. if the con cant reach the building site or the site is blocked by an allied unit which wont clear the site.

but nothing like your story ;)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
xponen: It doesn't happen reliably, so I can't make it happen three times in a row. I'll try disabling dynamic avoidance and see if it goes away first, since that has been annoying me anyway.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This also tends to happen to me often actually. I have no idea what's causing it.
+0 / -0
I enabled "dynamic avoidance" widget myself but I don't think it is this widget because I didn't get the 2 second delay (constructor laziness?) and command removed when doing area-mex.

Its other widget I think, or too many widget conflict with each other can cause problem?

Maybe you have the same widget TWICE! sometimes when same widget do same thing twice it became bad.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Probably dynamic avoidance with an enemy close. Or autoreclaim or autorepair where the con rather repairing something first.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
NLrankswappan I've seen it happen in cases where there are no enemies around at all, right at the start of the game. And I've seen it happen where the con was idle to begin with, and went back to being idle after cancelling the order. I've seen autoreclaim/repair get in the way of build queues, and that looks completely different: you can see the reclaim/repair orders in the build queue.
+0 / -0
maybe there's something wrong with autoreclaim widget or it conflict with a similar widget of different name IMHO.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
hmm then I dont know
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