if you got nothing good to say, please do not say anything.
Arty = so crap, low health, low damage. can't hit crap.
Tick - good for ambushing - no changes needed
Warrior - most useless unit in the factory, I never ever had a issue killing warriors, simply because they got like 800 health and their range is so small + they slow as hell.
rockos- useless a hell shooting a moving target, are decent in large amounts mixed in with other units.
Snipers - 2 costly, there much better ways to kill stuff, snipers are 2 easy at being countered.
Cloak ball, they easy to find units, and they will die instantly if deep within enemy porc or within radius but if player resorts to such measures then most likely in cases where player try use it to bypass porc or attack the porc, it will die.
Zeus, slow unit, has about 2000 health - decent, low cost - no changes needed.
I'm sorry but if I go shield bot or any other fac, I rarely lose agains't a cloaky bot person.
Cloaky bot is just 2 easy to counter.