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Vehicle vs Tanks Saktoth vs Lauri

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Had some interesting games the other night vs EErank[ISP]Lauri:

Tried using Slashers, Ravagers, darts, etc as I used to, he utterly trashed me with Koda/Panther (mostly Panthers). I was really surprise to see Panthers this strong, they've always been one of the fastest land raiders in the game with huge range and their stun means they're amazing when massed or kiting, but they never really just seem to work properly. But, perhaps the cost reduction was enough to make them viable:
Multiplayer B218901 2 on Red Comet

Multiplayer B218905 2 on Red Comet

The last two games you may have noticed I found a hole in his defense line and put a dart through. This time I spammed pure scorcher in there. I'm not sure if this is a weakness in tanks so much as a weakness in his comm morph + constructor start (which is very weak vs a rush like this). Though perhaps he is winning those other games because of his superior eco from that start:
Multiplayer B218908 2 on Red Comet

Multiplayer B218909 2 on Red Comet

And here is a final game to show what a bad idea it is to go scorchers blind, if the enemy DOESN'T go tanks:
Multiplayer B218911 2 on Red Comet
+2 / -0
11 years ago
Panthers were viable before the two most recent buffs too. People just never built them because people. Anyway, I'm surprised you were surprised.
+0 / -0
I was also surprised how strong panthers have become. In 1v1, I think it has a lot to do with the kodachi buff(and obviously the earlier panther buff too). I had played around with tank openings in 1v1 before too, but they just didn't seem to work, mostly because of how fail kodachis were (they never seemed to hit their target).

The fact that kodachis are so much better now allows the tank player to get to the panter stage on even footing or ahead in a standard game. This makes all the difference, as panthers are very sensitive towards numbers. A single one won't do much, but 3-4 are already a lethal force that can easily make cost against both light and heavy units.

I guess the difficult part about balancing panthers is how different they are from the typical raider. They don't really care about AOE damage, have decent range and have a stun attack. Most riots are ill-equipped to be an effective counter vs them(although still make cost straigth up).

Even though it's refreshing to see panthers being used more, I feel like pantherspam contradicts the essence of the factory. It is, after all, the heavy tank factory. There should be incentive to move on to heavier units like reapers and banishers, but right now the tank player can be pretty happy just spamming panthers for a while.

Overall, I really like the kodachi right now. I think it is vital for the tank factory to be viable as an opener in 1v1. But perhaps it has revealed that the panther is a bit too strong.

Obviously all of this needs further testing.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
When and where did Panthers get buffed? By engine?

The panther file contains 1 reverted nerf.
Nothing is told in the changelog (Home).

Almost every zk unit is good if used correctly. Not every unit is the absolutely best choice for this situation. And not all units are countered by skilled players.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
When and where did Panthers get buffed? By engine?

By the buff I meant cost decrease. Perhaps could have worded it differently.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Panther cost went 350 -> 320 on 28/1/2011 and 320 -> 300 on 20/8/2013. I have not been paying attention to Panther as I thought it was a good enough unit before the cost decreases (the last one at least went unnoticed for me).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I recently played some 1vs1s with HV as well and i am kinda glad that its a viable choice in 1vs1 now...still i dont think Panther is too strong, cause its a very expensive unit.

Vs Panthers there is essentially one option: get riots. I think that`s fine since the most expensive raider deserves to be contered only by riot...and remember, for the price of 3 Panthers you will get: nearly 4 levelers, 3 Outlaws (though 1 or 2 + bandits is much better), 4(?) of the cloaki-riots, 2 Maces and so on...all of those will conter.

The big problem is being raided by them, since they are very fast and can hit single LLTs easily...so one has to defend the expanse properly (EMP-Turrets + LLTs or Stingers). Which is still fair, regarding 900m raiding-party deserves to be dangerous.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
They are probably a little underpriced at the moment, but they are one of those units that exists on a knife edge of OP and useless due to the interacting mechanics of expensive, fast and EMP.
+6 / -0
11 years ago
Panther cost went 350 -> 320 on 28/1/2011 and 320 -> 300 on 20/8/2013. I have not been paying attention to Panther as I thought it was a good enough unit before the cost decreases (the last one at least went unnoticed for me).

It's cost was 300 before 320. and 350 is almost 2 years in the past now - a lot of things changed... like starting energy/metal.

Less starting energy and metal is a good thing, because it encourages scouting over rushing something expensive meta-rps
- I just wish players would start and expand closer together this early, because it would be easier to counter BD rush or similar.

But I am not sure if it is a good idea to make each fac start viable in both 1v1 and team games in a game which has only 1 faction, if there are no things to prevent too much meta-game.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
So, the question is what's the Panther's weakness? Besides being a generally weird unit that up until now has been tricky to use successfully I mean (I've never had luck with it).

It's a very generalist unit - a raider that doesn't fear the normal raider counters thanks to its beefy health. And as a stun-unit, it needs to work with other stun-units because a half-stunned target is a waste of firepower.

These are always the balance pain-point units - the generalists that show synergy with themselves. The Slasher, the Puppy, the Panther - these are the units that get stuck on the OP/UP roller-coaster.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
agreed, I reckon panther is overdue a rethink rather than incremental buff/nerf
+1 / -0
They could have just slow instead of emp.

That may allow glaives, bandits, scorchers and venoms to retreat (<50% hp -> retreat point) and let their allies fight.

Tanks which debuff enemies are not tanks - they don't tank damage and do not synergies with tanks.
Slow movement create a synergy with other tanks and let the enemy still shot at it's armor.
+1 / -0
A disruptor would be a simple tweak to the unit, I'm sure AUrankAdminSaktoth "Disruptor all the things!" would like it. Slow is less all-or-nothing and so it might mix a little better with other units, but it would also hurt the Panther's function as an assault-unit (assuming that function needs to stay, of course). Alternately, a disarm-based weapon would still have the "synergizes with itself" problem of all all-or-nothing special damages, but would still allow the targets to retreat while keeping it full-power against defenses.

But that's introducing a new weapon, which is to be avoided. I suppose you could work-around that by giving it back its OTA missile-tube and giving it short-ranged Racketeer missiles to fire in tandem with a conventional primary weapon (particle-beam? Whatever). But that's getting into pretty weird territory.

Iirc, the Panther's weapon used to have inaccuracy against fast targets. This was removed at some point to help the Tank's raider-v-raider game. Maybe now that the Koda has been buffed in that respect we could see the Panther get that back in some form or another? AFAIK, the Panther is meant to be an anti-heavy/anti-defense unit and gutting its strength vs raiders would be consistent with that. In the extreme case you could combine DErankNeonSturm's suggestion with this feature and give it Buoy disruptor-balls.
+0 / -2
11 years ago
Quote> AFAIK, the Panther is meant to be an anti-heavy/anti-defense unit and gutting its strength vs raiders would be consistent with that.

Wrong. You have reaper for that - and Banisher.

Quote> A disarm-based weapon would still have the "synergizes with itself" problem of all all-or-nothing special damages.

Wrong again. It is difficult to micro 10 Panther to disarm different things which can retreat with glaive-speed (more than panther)

Only synergies with itself as anti-heavy. And only to some extend, as disarm let mobiles still walk behind Stardusts and riots or to the scout-blob you move out of your defence line.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Panthers might need the thing Moderators use to stop them from shooting targets with "high" emp time left when there are others. :)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Guys, it's getting offtopic. It all started with Saktoth making a thread about mainly two replays that feature pantherspam being very effective. And now people are like "REWORK THE UNIT!"...

Latest balance changes shook up the metagame. Go play some 1v1s or low density teamgames with changed units, have fun and give feedback to devs. Right now we can only discuss how the unit seems based on either pre-patch games(which doesn't really matter as the patch shook the tanks vs vehicles matchup quite a bit) or the first few post-patch games.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
It seems i can't d/l the replays.

Anyone else having this problem?
+0 / -0
Your first post was spot on EErank[ISP]Lauri. I'm one of those people who loves tank openings too, and I've used Panther a lot with 0 success. I think it's harder to use it vs the lighter raiders like Glaive, because it misses them and the damages are out of sync (160 damage to the glaives 200 HP, wasting 120 damage). But it's just amazing vs Scorchers, they're the perfect weight (Panther 3-shots, wasting only 60 damage, and 1-shot stuns) and they rarely dodge the shots. Meanwhile Ravager, Slasher, Domi and Leveler are poor vs Panther (esp after nerfs).

The problem really is that the Panther is that it is the fastest land raider in the game (Behind Flea and Dart, which are scouts) and has more range than a Bandit. It can-out run anything, run rings around any kind of riot unit you use, and gain total map control. When it gains local net superiority due to its speed, it easily stun lock it's target and take little to no attrition, and can stutter-stun enemies when it retreats (even though they cannot catch it anyway!).

Kodachi is the perfect opener for the factory. All you need from a raider is to stop naked expand, force LLT's, and handle the enemies raiders. Koda does all of this. It also suits the 'keep your units alive' style of the factory, and the fire damage does not stack so you cannot spam it.

To be fair though, EErank[ISP]Lauri played a very, very greedy game with his comm morph, early con and fairly unprotected base. He probably won these matches on economy, rather than on OP panther. However, the Panther, Koda and Welder (Which renders Darts useless) did allow him very strong map control and prevented me from raiding his aggressive expansion.

However, when I realised how greedy his strat was I beat him 2 times in a row with pure scorcher. So yeah, those games are important too: as is the last one, which shows how risky pure Scorcher is vs a different opening like Scrubbers.

It probably wasn't just Panther. But as I said in the replay and the other threads, this is exactly how I didn't want to see Panthers used: As a spam unit to replace the other options in the factory. They already have the strongest transition into midgame in Zero-K, your first Reaper or Banisher can end the game right there. The problem for Tank has always been surviving to that point. The Panther has actually been at 300 cost before, and was really problematic back then. This was years ago but I was aware of that when setting it to that cost level.

So while we definitely need more games, I'm open to people speculating on a re-role. It always takes weeks of discussion to get there anyway. Disarm sounds interesting but I think the problem is the range and speed. I'm partial to the idea of it as an anti-heavy that can stunlock enemies (As CArankAdminShadowfury333 used it in this game: Multiplayer B214724 2 on Into Battle_v3).
+1 / -0
It seems i can't d/l the replays.

We played on spring 95, so downloads fail. I uploaded games 1, 3, 4 and 5. I don't have game 2, which was the one where the pantherball faced ravagers and in the end also levelers. Spring crashed for me at around the time the game ended and it seems like the replay was not saved on my machine. Perhaps Saktoth has that replay.

game 1 http://www.fileswap.com/dl/rtw4ZJHHYZ/ - win with pantherspam
game 3 http://www.fileswap.com/dl/M7bt4j7VUV/ - loss against early scorchers
game 4 http://www.fileswap.com/dl/D1zjlfqhk2/ - loss against early scorchers
game 5 http://www.fileswap.com/dl/RbNVA6jYRt/ - win with scrubbers against early scorchers
+0 / -0
I see the time Lauri put into becoming a tank specialist has really, really paid off :P

On topic of panther, i found dealing with them as LV very hard even before the buff, however small it was. They would just annihilate scorchers, run around levelers, dodge ravagers, and that's even before he escalates to banisher/reaper.

Darts weren't the answer really, since panthers typically can run back to cover before dying, killing most of the darts enroute, and then defenses to finish them. Very hard to do darts vs panther cost effectively.

One thing that seemed to work was to resort to unabridged agression, taking huge losses just to keep enemy units wounded and taking losses, hitting again before he repaired, so he couldn't lash back out while you gain superior eco.

Very much the all-or-nothing behaviour exhibited by domi and heavies, but on a raider.

I lurve the koda, though, even when playing against it. The hide-and-seek, and the choice of tactics are really interesting.
+4 / -0
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