Your first post was spot on

[ISP]Lauri. I'm one of those people who loves tank openings too, and I've used Panther a lot with 0 success. I think it's harder to use it vs the lighter raiders like Glaive, because it misses them and the damages are out of sync (160 damage to the glaives 200 HP, wasting 120 damage). But it's just amazing vs Scorchers, they're the perfect weight (Panther 3-shots, wasting only 60 damage, and 1-shot stuns) and they rarely dodge the shots. Meanwhile Ravager, Slasher, Domi and Leveler are poor vs Panther (esp after nerfs).
The problem really is that the Panther is that it is the fastest land raider in the game (Behind Flea and Dart, which are scouts) and has more range than a Bandit. It can-out run anything, run rings around any kind of riot unit you use, and gain total map control. When it gains local net superiority due to its speed, it easily stun lock it's target and take little to no attrition, and can stutter-stun enemies when it retreats (even though they cannot catch it anyway!).
Kodachi is the perfect opener for the factory. All you need from a raider is to stop naked expand, force LLT's, and handle the enemies raiders. Koda does all of this. It also suits the 'keep your units alive' style of the factory, and the fire damage does not stack so you cannot spam it.
To be fair though,

[ISP]Lauri played a very, very greedy game with his comm morph, early con and fairly unprotected base. He probably won these matches on economy, rather than on OP panther. However, the Panther, Koda and Welder (Which renders Darts useless) did allow him very strong map control and prevented me from raiding his aggressive expansion.
However, when I realised how greedy his strat was I beat him 2 times in a row with pure scorcher. So yeah, those games are important too: as is the last one, which shows how risky pure Scorcher is vs a different opening like Scrubbers.
It probably wasn't just Panther. But as I said in the replay and the other threads, this is exactly how I didn't want to see Panthers used: As a spam unit to replace the other options in the factory. They already have the strongest transition into midgame in Zero-K, your first Reaper or Banisher can end the game right there. The problem for Tank has always been surviving to that point. The Panther has actually been at 300 cost before, and was really problematic back then. This was years ago but I was aware of that when setting it to that cost level.
So while we definitely need more games, I'm open to people speculating on a re-role. It always takes weeks of discussion to get there anyway. Disarm sounds interesting but I think the problem is the range and speed. I'm partial to the idea of it as an anti-heavy that can stunlock enemies (As

Shadowfury333 used it in this game:
B214724 2 on Into Battle_v3).