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Artillery barrage

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Since i have some "spare time" i can try to think about new interesting things that can be implemented easily.
First of all i consider pillager from Heavy tank factory a very nice artillery unit. Its one that i appreciate the most (like it a lot when i use it with terraform).
I wanted to take into consideration the new disco rave party ability, the one with long range shot that decrease acuracy but it give the chance of a bombardment from the sky.
So taking the idea further i suggest we give pillager the ability to bomb anywhere on the map (sky bombing like disco party) but the acuracy will degrease considerable due to range.
So we will have a new tactic in case enemy starts to porc up a lot and the map is big, its simple: artillery barrage with very long range (when you set the ability to pillager) but a lot of acuracy decrease.

With the acuracy decrease i'l consider that 10 pillagers (7k metal) will make a
suitable bombardment force so they can really make cost.

What say you?
+1 / -5
11 years ago
-1 for making a cheap unit that can fire anywhere. If you want to kill a porcing player, go around it. If you can't, that means you can take all the mexes outside of it and outeco the porcing player.

In the worst case, if they are porcing and have less of the map than you, win by 1) Ulti spam or 2) nukes because he has finite space for antinukes or 3) starlight spam for huge, metal-filled maps.

If you have a cheap unit that care fire anywhere, but is accurate enough to make cost, you'll see eco getting killed from the other end of the map. If it doesn't do massive damage, you'll see it actually do well in the earlier game when shieldspam isn't there, and be useless against lategame porc.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Thats why i said USrankTheDarkStar regarding Acuracy....Decrease acuracy a lot like disco rave party has when you rain with it.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
If you ever saw disco used with high trajectory, you know that "shooting anywhere" needn't be an asset.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Ok il be more clear, you take pillager's normal range. Curent acuracy is nice, but if you want 2X more range your acuracy will be divided with 2. If you want 4X more range acuracy divided by 4 and so on.
+0 / -0
Ok il be more clear, you take pillager's normal range. Curent acuracy is nice, but if you want 2X more range your acuracy will be divided with 2. If you want 4X more range acuracy divided by 4 and so on

so you just need to shoot 4x long to hit or take 4x the number of pillagers to hit in the same time?

pillagers are awesome, especially when used in tremor-groups. but take a cataput and you are good too.

i dont like the idea though. it simply too longrange-i-can-porc-anywhre.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Ok i always have problems explaining in english what i want in romanian.

Maybe this helps
+0 / -0

11 years ago
That is already how spread works. Pillager doesn't have infinite range for what should be obvious reasons. There are other things you can build if you want longer range.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Was just suggesting to add more realism to game. Artillery barrage or shielding with artillery against enemy attacks will be awesome i think, and will bring a new tactic to the game: artillery rush all game that becomes more efficient with the increase of units. So in this way we wont have the Op status in early game and will have the balanced status in the late game in case it will last until then.

So is it any chance to be implemented?
+0 / -0
Was just suggesting to add more realism to game.

Since when unlimited range = realism?
Sounds like somebody missed their ballistics class.

So is it any chance to be implemented?

Safe bet to say no.
+4 / -0
11 years ago
Anyone who has played World in Conflict knows that having an MLRS or 10 firing at you from an unknown position is not fun at all. There may be some virtue to long range artillery, but unless it is incredibly well implemented it is anti-fun.
+1 / -0
was not suggesting unlimited range, just some range with nerfs in it...

Thats why its up to the dev community so it wont become hard to counter in case its op.

I already suggested an idea...1 out of 7 shots will precisely hit target at double the range, and 1 out of 14 shots will precisely hit target at triple the range. How much range to add? its up to you guys.

I still don't see why dev community is not trying new things, cause imo it takes like a few twitches and few time to adjust this idea to pillager. Is there a chance to implement it in a version so i can test it over and over and then give you guys the report?

Give me the chance to test different things but you guys make the easy coding ( in case its your cal and in case it suits you). I can easily spend like 1-3 hours per day testing these things but at least give me a chance. Let me try to show that some ideas can be worth it.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Maybe before posting your next neon idea you should ask what it's supposed to accomplish and why we'd want such a thing.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Long range inaccurate artillery like we have in real world conflicts. The ones that you remember in world war II movies and real video recordings. It gives you the uncertainty factor for artillery and some reliability against huge clusters of units (cause it will still hit something there).

From what i remember artillery was an important part in the attrition war during second world war and first world war.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
"@KingRaptor :why we'd want such a thing."

Constantly improving the game over and over again and trying to find more things that can be added to game where players will enjoy them.
+1 / -0
Aren't you, essentially, just talking about increasing range of Pillager (with an increased spread, obvs)?

This will in any case result in shooting at radar dots - or not even that if long enough range. That doesn't sound fun. Also as GBrankTheSponge said, random death raining from on high isn't particularly fun for the recipient - you may as well not play multiplayer if you enjoy projectiles landing on your head from an unknown location.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0

11 years ago
As in why would your change actually improve the game? You can grab the source if you want an mess around with changes within it. We don't need to implement these ideas so you can try them out.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I dont have any basics regarding coding...thats the problem.
+0 / -0
do you know the game Dark Reign from 1997? they had arti which could pinpoint shoot about half of the map range, but only if you had direct LOS (no attack ground if fog of war or radar blimp). lead to massive defended artillery nests and aggressive scouting/antiscouting wars, which had its own charme due to map features where scouts could hide etc. and it was hardcountered by very heavy air , bombers as gunships and teleport buildings/subterranean transport which could not be denied in movement or attacked till unloaded.

at this example, you can see the very different playstyle of the game. if you apply this single option here, independent of the aiming reducement, you have to bring other options into zk too, changing the whole style of play.

i dont mean your idea is bad, but it simply does not fit into the current zk environment.
+1 / -0
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