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Neonstorming thread

17 posts, 739 views
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USrankluckywaldo7: It's a neonstorming thread about neonstorming threads.

This way it sounds funny. Good joke lucky USrankluckywaldo7.


Everybody should only make 1 post - you can edit it.

If you make a second post to bring it on top of our "Forum index" list or like your post appear on thread-bottom, put only something like "--- please delete ---" in one of your two posts.
This is only allowed once a day - be nice to moderators, as they spend time on deleting [color=grey](while we have no code for it).

Moderators (with rights to moderate) are allowed to delete the all but one post of the same person.
Moderators should wait 15 minutes and delete emty "--- please delete ---" posts first for the case somebody made an accident, or just want to get the thread to the top of our Thread-Changed list.[/color]

Use +1/-1 if you like/dislike somebody's behavior in the whole thread

RE: USrankCrazyEddie> TheSponge - Good job, you've wasted your one post. ;-)

It should be good to have the second position.

Reset your counter +1/-1 and move your thread to the bottom should be a real penalty (there you will get noticed less)
Many +1 could allow you to move closer to the top

Instead +1 some idea, just quote and let it appear more frequent (=readers spend more attention on it)
Instead -1 some idea, just ignore it so will appear less often

If you want to answer something, use quotes:
AW: DErankNeonSturm>
The idea is about a different thread-form "Neonstorming thread"s.

I think it is a good idea, because currently peoples can just post 100 posts to appear more frequent (take more attention) or hide other user's posts (in the pages between the first and last) with many own posts.

If many peoples like the concept, it may get implemented

[color=grey]It would just require:
* "blocked "reply"-button if you already have a post in this thread
* "reset"-button to reset your counter (and more your post to the bottom)
* "push"-button to get the thread into "Forum index" (without any edit)

Red highlighted posts if changed within last 3 hours, orange if within last day, etc. (or similar) - it is just a stylesheed (stylish or included)[/color]

RE: GBrankTheSponge> What is the purpose of this thread?

* Condense all arguments per user in just one post and show the current oppinions of some user.

* Reduce Fustration ("why get I -1 voted all the time???" - only for bad behavior here)

* Make a thread shorter (less annoying to read through all parallel-threads which are canceled)
[color=grey]BTW: how does the spoiler thing work? (a spoiler to expand/collapse text below some RE quotes)
http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/6194?postID=75273 Failer's post[/color]

* Some users might be very active and provide a good summary of many ideas in some "section" (section=what they like).
Reading/Ignoring posts of specific users are like Abos on YouTube-Channels.
If some idea propagates to your friends, you will find the source with ease.

* I hope with a bit more work (change-diff for viewing edits, more javascript to render classic thread-layout from changediffs) it could be an alternative thread-view.

RE: GBrankTheSponge> Edit for the sake of the neon thread rules: I find this all very confusing to have to reread someones post again and find what they have edited in from the last time I read it.

That is where diff comes into play: last diff is highlighted more then the second-last diff, etc...

It is an experiment.

ROrankRed_Lemon New: (paragraph)

I think about a hellbike unit which leaves napalm-trails (like krow gun is actually is a one-key-weapon), just like in the snake game (snake is not allowed to eat it's trail and will die).

Your shadow-quantum teleport-retreat thing seems funny, but how do you ever want to kill some bomber?
Kill the pad? Stun the bomber before killing it? CapCar? :)
+1 / -1
What is the purpose of this thread?

Edit for the sake of the neon thread rules: I find this all very confusing to have to reread someones post again and find what they have edited in from the last time I read it.
+0 / -0
What is the purpose of this thread?

It's a neonstorming thread about neonstorming threads.
+0 / -0
TheSponge - Good job, you've wasted your one post. ;-)

I predict that this thread will haunt the homepage "Forums" area as NeonSturm constantly edits the OP.

Is that better or worse than ten posts in a row getting resurrected with NeonSturm comments?
+1 / -0

10 years ago
This thread is an affront to the very idea of a conversation. I predict that this thread will haunt the homepage "Forums" area as DErankNeonSturm constantly edits the OP.
+3 / -0
10 years ago
+3 / -0

10 years ago
Upvote if you think DErankNeonSturm should be forum banned
+3 / -5
More than that @KingRaptor.

Upvote if you think DErankNeonSturm needs his head examined.

EDIT: For those of you who will inevitably berate me for being mean, it is a joke. See above image.
+0 / -2

10 years ago
I think it might do him some good to take a break from professional offtopic
+4 / -0

10 years ago

+4 / -0

10 years ago
I like how this thread has no topic. That's just like giving people sitting in the same room a set of walkie-talkies.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I only post here to have my own post on first page, you never know what happens here.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
So… a neonstorming thread… hmmm..ok.

Basic idea->switch panther and koda weight classes
-> Panther:
-> cost down to about 150
->hp down by 40-50% (to compensate cost reduction to make it vulnerable to riot units)
->appropriate damage/range reduction (if necessary)
->Koda-like regeneration so it can raid without welder repairs
->Koda :
->cost up to about 320
-> Hp up by about 50%
->Increase weapon burndamage while removing AoE (anti-building raider) OR increase rate of fire OR more AoE (inaccurate antiswarm)
->Allow it to shoot a small firebomb (like current standard shot) directly behind itself via D-gun command to help cover retreat vs fast light units that outrange it (and to give it a chance against roaches)

Notes: I believe this would lead to more variety in Tank strategies by giving them a raider that does not need special micro to win a fight against a couple of fleas or a well micro-ed glaive on flat land while being fragile enough to be conterable with most normal anti-raider methods.
Also with the support of the heavier Koda that could run in and strike at light-to-moderate static defences a tank player could field a mobile and light (by tank standards) force to strike at exposed areas, exploit gaps in the frontline or send support to an ally with sufficient speed.

Deep strike bomber idea-> Shadow qantum anchor blinker bomber (I know it might sound stupid but hear me out)
What if instead of having a lot of speed and/or hp it just had the ability to spawn a beacon-like object(the anchor) on a landing pad that it would teleport to after dropping it`s payload or if too damaged , effectively dodging all AA on the return trip?

Before dismissing this as OP please consider the following factors:
 One landing space would be necessary for each such craft to use it`s ability that is unusable by any other craft (due to the becon/anchor being there)
 It would need less HP do do it`s job so I is easier to shoot it down BEFORE it does any damage
 The teleport process could leave it stunned for a significant amount of time (1-2 minutes or the amount of time it would take to reach the pad by normal means x2 if it can be calculated) so a couple of bombers could not smash the eco of a whole team by themselves (this also opens the possibility of turning off its ability and using it to strike at the front line with more frequency)
 It would be worthy of the name “Shadow” as shadows often disappear when you turn to investigate them

Domi-> give it limited control range and/or a strength penalty for each controlled unit (as each captured unit requires a portion of it`s processing power to be kept under control), or jut reduce firing range to give units a better chance at defending themselves if not stunned/trapped

New unit: swan/squid/hammer/stalker (name depending on the factory it would be in)

 Dual-mode unit that can operate underwater as a short ranged medium speed sub or on the surface as a hover , while underwater it would probably need to be slower than a duck to compensate for a longer range and the lack of a non-tracking underwater weapon, while above water it would gain speed but loose weapon tracking and some range, weapon would be a volley type to emphasize sneaky hit and run tactics

Alternately instead of a new unit it could be an “upgrading” of the BD aldough personally I think such a unit would benefit from a lower weight class (about 450) as well as a radical reduction of flight altitude

 The above mentioned ligter, lower altitude (HLT height at most) BD with the modification of not considered an air unit thus giving an air player something that can strike at undefended (or lightly defended ) AA while being vulnerable to ground units
 Ambusher Vamp -> The Vamp, with the ability to hover at an intermediate altitude (lower than normal to make use of ground cover, but not landed), waiting for something to intercept, I feel this would make the Vamp soo much more manageable and les likely to wander off into ground AA range while attempting to guard the front
 The zeppelin(not my idea, just my suggestion as to how t could be implemented): Make it big, make it tough, make it reasonably fast at top speed with horrible acceleration/deceleration and turning rates and absolutely no weapons, but instead 3 repair beams(or nanos?) on either side with caretaker range (spherical) but no ability to build/assist and perhaps a landing pad and radar tower on top for good measure, it would be great for supporting fighter clouds with repair as well as a mobile repair area for ground units

+0 / -0
10 years ago
Since this is a neonstorm thread, I will suggest that teammates be implemented.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
I have a better suggestion. Just remove the current borked implementation, it's never going to work anyway.

Team max size = 1.
+4 / -0

10 years ago
I suggest we replace all weapon sounds with sounds generated by members of the community trying to make that sound with their mouth
+6 / -1
-There needs to be a riot/AOE anti sub of some kind. For example hunter gets some aoe. Sub+shieldball needs better counter.
-Give bigger striders long-duration beam weapons that sweep many units, like in Supcom.
-Consider panther getting chain lightning?
-Increase size of larger striders by 20% or more (not my idea)
-Match walking animations to movement speed (yes I know this is unrealistic)

-Make a game option that turns on "fun" units
-A roach-like unit (or maybe a bomber?) which explodes doing newton like push effect to nearby units
-Add a silo missile that changes units into a random unit of new type and similar cost, for 20 seconds
+0 / -0