You guys play to much 1 vs 1...the people who changed that unit. Why i dont see the admin comunity rush them in icy run 10 vs 10 and see how they behave. I think they will understand the reason that the nerf was pointless because licho was behaved ok from the moment i started playing this game
Whats the reason behind the nerf? Is it because of players that rush it in small maps? For example using it in big maps makes it usless because of the long reload rate and because of big distance, so i ask again? Why this nerf?
Remember also that plane factory is at a crysis right now, and i will use it verry rarly starting from this moment.
Also i tested the Slam Rocket and multistunner....and they dont match with dezintegrator gun.They just dont make at least 50% kills that a dezintegrator gun does.
Slam rocket needs to have main range without modules close to behemoth has but with-10% less range then him and 1300-1400 dmg, reload time is ok. Remember that rushing slam rocket commander with the curent changes makes no difference because of the 2000 m investment. With 2000 m investment you can make sumo, or other strong units that make the cost. Curent dezintegrator commander rush is more effective than this and thats why it needs more range , just to compensate its slow speed, its deficency against raider attacks, and skuttles+clocked roaches.
Multistunner problem that i spoted and tested is just it has to less stun dmg. It just needs stunn dmg that at least could insta stunn a sumo. Remember that dezintegrator gun is again more efficient cause it kills it in 1 shot and you retreat it fast, but with multistunner you just wait there to kill it like 1 minute, and thats a long time.
So curent problems with these modules is just this:
1.Multistunner needs dmg emp buff so it can at least stunn 1 sumo
2.Slam rocket needs range close to behemoth , something like 1700 (behemoth has 1850). In case it will be a bit op we just twich the aoe, reload rate and its dmg.

Alcur considered to nerf the dezintegrator gun because it outmatches many d gun weaponds including the multistunner and Slam. But Imo i think we need to buff all d gun weaponds to be cost effective as dezintegrator gun is. So it will be just a matter of tactic adjustment and micro regarding that commander.
Nerfing dezintegrator gun will make it pointless to morph commanders into it and will be the same non-cost effective like slam and multistunner curently is.
1.Multistunner will have the purpose of stoping raiding attacks and big units, but wont be able to insta kill them
2.Dezintegrator gun curently has the purpose to insta kill 1 strong unit but dies fast to raiders and other small units
3.Slam rocket will behave like artilery but will die verry fast in case it will try to go near the front.
I was thinking of a twiching program where you adjust d gun weaponds and weaponds with it. Just give Power Indicator Values that helps you balance AOE, RANGE, DMG, RELOAD TIME, SLOW DMG/STUNN DMG/FIRE PERSISTANCE.
For example:
Beam Laser:
DMG- 155 (0,38 dmg per 1 milisec)
Range- 300
Reload time- 1 second
AOE- 0
Assault canon:
DMG- 360
Range- 360
Reload time- 2 seconds
AOE- 0
So from these 2 weaponds we can add these values:
POWER INDICATOR VALUES (PIV) (just a simple suggestion)
100 DMG = 100 PIV
100 Range= 100 PIV
Reload time of -1 second = 300 PIV
This is just something that i started I am curently working on a way to balance Range, DMG, AOE, Reload time, stun dmg/slow dmg/fire duration and i already made 2 pages of calculations.When i am finished il try to give the PIV of each DMG point, Range Point, etc using curent weaponds and d guns that curently are balanced imo.
With PIV i think we can adjust health points to units, speed, special abilities and from this we can make tons of units or why not? make people make theyr own units using the PIV adjustment program.
If som1 can help me give PIV numbers to DMG, Range, Time, Aoe il be happy about it. I will be glad if we have a mathematics student to help us regarding these problem cause they take lots of calculations.