Now we all know the Moderator is suck and doesn't synergise well. My suggestion for future change: quote: Moderator would be fine if it had
1) much lower weight so losing it early game is not such a disaster(~120m)? higher alpha/ lower RoF to compensate for lowered 'damage' output 2) jump, so putting the fac on a cliff dosn't prevent you using it 3) a little bit of damage as per venom (8?), so the fac finally has an answer to fleas at cheaper than 220m |
low weight moderator would be MUCH more useful and easier to keep alive, and jump should be considered a mandatory property of anything expected to be used alongside pyros and jacks.
+0 / -0
Since we're summarizing stuff said elsewhere: Agree with (1) and (2). Further, 1) To reiterate: Unify Slow and Disarm. This means a fully-slowed target can't attack. 2) Possibly increase DPS in exchange for a bit of range (down to 450-500). It mostly needs to be able to disarm assaults, and it doesn't need 600 range to do that. Basically, my opinion on the jumpbots:  Low-weigt Pyro means you don't need damage-dealing moderator.
+1 / -3
I thought it would be kinda cool to launch a sort of disruption mortar that's inaccurate and has a low AoE. Right now the moderator sees limited use as you're paying a large sum to handicap the enemy. That's all well and good, but once you lose some pyros the moderator sort of loses it's function. Making it work more as a proper skirmisher with slight (slight!) damage, mild AoE to work with the new black hole gun or against assault hordes, and then an inaccurate projectile so as to not murder raiders would likely make it see more use. That neonstorm aside, I can agree with the three points above with perhaps an exception that a moderator of too low weight won't be able to slow down heavy units very well. I don't think this will happen at the 120m mark with slight nerfs so I can agree with that as well.
+0 / -0
I want to be cautious about 'support' type units like venom and moderator getting damage also, in consideration of quantum's rule.
+2 / -0
Neon somewhere else please. lower weight moderator with higher alpha/lower rate of fire should still work fine vs heavier units Venom-esque damage output will never effect unit relationships beyond vs the very lightest raiders. it takes even a group of venoms a long, LONG time to kill a single scorcher.
+1 / -0
How is that neoning? Problem: Moderator can't actually incapacitate Zeus sufficiently to let Jacks and Pyros kill it for an appropriate total cost. Solution: Full slow = disarm. Problem: Even with that, it takes a Moderator a dog's age to full-slow a Zeus. Solution: Buff moderator's DPS/cost. Obviously that's a pretty big buff to the unit, so if you need a corresponding nerf, take range. Problem: Moderator can't kill Fleas Solution: That's the Pyro's job. Fix it so Pyro is better vs fleas (lower weight).
+1 / -0
to be clear, this thread concerns changing stats of existing moderator - balance changes, not conceptual changes, not changes to different units in the factory, not dribble-specked neon dreams of changing sweeping game mechanics. Please. refer to original posts proposal with structured agreement or disagreement, or post your tangenting spray of ideas IN A DIFFERENT THREAD. That should be a forum rule, but since it isn't, just show some courtesy and stay on topic.
+3 / -0
And maybe make it so that group of moderators target several units and not only one unit slowed to maximum while others are not slowed at all.
+0 / -0
^ already implemented iirc
+0 / -0
Please, no damaging moderator or racketeer ever. "That is a threat" kind of please.
+1 / -0
[offtopic]Isn't that gif from the IGG marathon?[/offtopic] I agree with lightening the jumpies. Currently it is very hard to win 1v1 as jumpies, especially against a bot player. If most of the factory was lightened jumpies would be able to raid better and there would be less frustration from not having any expansion or raiders because everything is so expensive. The only good use of heavyweight jumpies I have found is lategame teams. I think that if the moderator was lightened it would be out of place in the factory. Another silly image:
+0 / -0
why not? with 7 damage it would take a moderator 25+ seconds to kill a single glaive
+0 / -0
Although I agree that jumpers don't do very well in current status, I sort of like the idea of having a "heavy bot" factory. I like how the heavy tank factory plays differently but can pay off if played well, and I'd like to see that in a bot factory somewhere. I'd like to see the jumpfac act as the "heavy bot" factory but I also understand that it's frustrating to only have a few pyros against an army of enemies.
+3 / -0
> not dribble-specked Classy.
+0 / -0
Saying that moderator doesn't synergize with anything is a gross exaggeration. In the opposite I'd say it synergize with basically everything. Slowing down the enemy and making them fire less is pretty much good with all unit combinations. But yes, you can argue that the moderator needs a balance change. From a 1v1 Perspective I think Jumpbots vs Spiders are fine. The Jumpbot player might have trouble dealing with Flea harass but the Spider player also have trouble dealing with harassing Pyros. Early in the game, if the Pyros ever outnumber the defending Venoms they can simple kill the Venoms without taking much damage because 1 Venom can only keep 1 Pyro stunned if they aren't bunched up. Although I agree that the Jumpfac is very reliant on Pyros in most situations.
+0 / -0
quote: Saying that moderator doesn't synergize with anything is a gross exaggeration. In the opposite I'd say it synergize with basically everything. Slowing down the enemy and making them fire less is pretty much good with all unit combinations. But yes, you can argue that the moderator needs a balance change.
It cant viably be used with Pyros in many situations because of its high weight, low health and inability to jump. It struggles to function with the jack, which often obscures its shot and likewise can jump up cliffs where the moderator cant follow. I agree its damage type synergises with everything, but the actuall unit less so. I would not want to see the fundamentals of the fac (pyro/jack) changed, I think its just moderator rebalance that is needed to really make the cheap units of the fac stand up to eg. sheildbots.
+0 / -0
The moderator can be used viably in many situations because slowing down enemy raiders, skirmishers, assaults or riots makes it much easier for Jacks and Pyros to deal with them. It is usually very hard to push the enemy without using moderators unless you bring your commander or build defence as you advance.
+0 / -0