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LLT and Razors weapon visuals

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11 years ago
Most AA lasers are instant-hit cyan ones - for example Jethro, Archangel, or Vamp. On the other hand, red pew-pew pea shooters tend to be universal-but-mainly-antiground: Bandit, Com default weapon, to some extent even Krow.

Now, LLT has instant-hit cyan laser while Razors (and Shredder, the Floating Razors) have the red pew pew one. Would it be good for consistency if the visuals were swapped? One problem would be that instant-hit VS projectile can cause some balance issues, for example LLT would get slightly worse against Fleas while Razors would gain DPS at its range's edge where it usually misses; and even slightly messing with LLT balance is probably something generally undesirable. Whaddya think?
+3 / -3
Imo, AA LaserCannons could just be colored cyan like their beamlaser analogues, thus instakilling the confusion.

There isn't much of that confusion though, so i'm not sure if anything is likely to happen at all.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Yeah, LLT is actually pretty different to the AA beamlasers in that it's continuous so it's not really confusing, just that swapping colors and/or types would make stuff a bit more consistent (red beamlaser is used on Banshee so LLT would probably be okay with it, and also red LLT is cool because legacy).
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It used to be that the standard was pew-pew lasers for Core, in the spectrum of red to yellow, and instant-hit lasers for arm, in the spectrum of green to purple. (Laser thickness were also determined based on damage; the whole system was pretty cool) Since factions got combined the current laser system is just left-over.

I would encourage you (or anyone) to rethink laser styles from the ground up, and not necessarily just try to make what we have now work. (Assuming one of the powerful over-devs is ok with it)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You're forgetting the Vamp, though I guess it hits ground also.

The properties of all the lasers, the razor-style laser and the LLT, are pretty important. It's not just a visual here. You can dodge Razors and Shredders at max range, and the LLT does kind of need the stream instahit thing.

Though of everything the fact the teal beamlaser has a blue explosion effect sends me nuts (someone just decided to up and change all the laser colours, which used to make sense, now we have a red banshee etc).
+0 / -0

11 years ago
the LLT laser color is very ugly - a red laser would be wonderful!
+0 / -1

11 years ago
Weapon standardization always has two sides.

For standards:
- Graphical consistency
- Easier to learn since you get a better idea of what each weapon is when you see it fire

Against standards:
- Distinct, unique per-unit weapons means it's easier to spot which unit is firing upon your units just by the projectile. This is particularly important if the firing unit is out of LOS.

Personally I'm all for standardization but I can see the downside.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
A broader question would be what the lasers should be consistent to. Continuous vs packets, AA vs AG, unit type of source, or weapon power.

The last one would be something like red lasers are weakest, blue/purple lasers are strongest. Not sure how useful that would be, as laser thickness seems to be how that is communicated, but it isn't as redundant as colouring by continuity.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It was long ago but I'm the one who changed the beamlasers from different laser thickness to laser colors. Thickness was useless. It was using some logarithmic formula so that LLT was like 5% thicker than banshee (which equals a grand total of like zero pixels at any decent zoom level) so it was impossible to see with the naked eye. All the beamlasers might as well have been identical. So I grouped various beamlasers into red, blue and green. That's why banshees have the red one.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Oh, that's cool. But why does the Razor have lasers the thickness of something straight out of Star Wars?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
This was so that the discrete lasers such as HLT could use the same formula as the stream lasers. Frankly it's quite alright that the stream lasers are similiar looking. I have no idea what the red colour is meant to mean: Does it mean more DPS, less? OR does it just mean 'this is the one what the Banshee has'?
+1 / -0

11 years ago
There's also green, on Mace and Det.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
And HLT should be a big green beam - more like BA ???
+0 / -0
11 years ago
We need rainbow epileptic laser
+2 / -0

11 years ago
I heard the new, fully stunnable Starlight will have five separate lazor beams. Now if those were colored differently...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
We already have the DRP. A disco starlight would be a bit too much.
+1 / -2
But discolight also fits much better with the weapon's mode of operation. Just replace the satellite with a discoball, and here we go! :P

Unsure if i have become Skasi or Neon.
+8 / -0
11 years ago
omg add disco starlight it sounds awesome
+0 / -0
11 years ago
A disco starlight would be a bit too much.

Too much disco? No such thing
+4 / -0
11 years ago
I agree.
+0 / -0
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