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Feature request: change lags handle behaviour

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There is !minspeed option, which is default to 0.5 now
It means if someone is lagging it will slow down a game to the speed of the slowest player, until game speed will reach 50% of normal speed(1.0).
I dont think it's right behaviour we would like to see in games.

Suggest to replace it:
If someone is lag, slow down a game to !minspeed, but not more than for N seconds.
After N seconds return game speed to normal and let laggers desync.
It's wrong that player with good and decent PC suffer from guys, that stucked in 90'.

Well known example is [DOOP]fortaleza. He lags in almost all games and maps, except maybe, trololo(not sure though).

Do you want to play your games at 0.5 speed and temper laggers?
+4 / -6

11 years ago
+1 / -1

11 years ago
This is actually what !votekick is for. Maybe something to cause an automatic votekick after so many lags, but....
+2 / -0
I just find it wrong that ONE player with crappy PC can make 20 players suffer from HIS lags.
It's against robust logic.
Now you will say - dont play big games, but if we have such big games and this is the most common game type we need to do something about lags.

AUrankAdminSaktoth, votekick doesn't work...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
lagger reporting for duty!!!!

catualy msot of the time i just resign and leave the game when it starts to get super laggy...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I have only ever experienced this in 10v10, so as far as I am concerned, not a problem. When you play super massively huge games on a game that is known to have performance problems you cannot expect good performance.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
votekick against a badly lagging player usually works. What does not always succeed is votekick of your worst noobmates, because of noobage... and it is a good thing.
+2 / -2
11 years ago
I just find it wrong that ONE player with crappy PC can make 20 players suffer from HIS lags.
It rarely is "ONE" player.
Once the lagging player leaves/crashes it usually does not take long for another player's computer to reach its limit.
(Also see the "hardware poll" thread or whatever it was titled, where half the player wrote they they get lategame lag in big games)

Now you will say - dont play big games, but if we have such big games and this is the most common game type we need to do something about lags.
Almost right, but that is just tinkering with symptoms. Not solving the real problem.

hint: it is not the donkey's fault.
+9 / -0

11 years ago
Rare is the occasion that I agree with knorke. Silly is the game type that relies more on computing power than game skill.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Is Springie down right now?
+1 / -0
GBrankTheSponge, it happens not only in 10v10 when we are talking about PCs from 90' working on charcoal, well known examples of laggers: GBrank[GBC]Fred, @[DOOP]Fortaleza.
They can lag even on icy run in tiny 4v4, and it happens ALWAYS when they are playing.
It simply means that ALL players are playing/spectating battle will suffer from THEIR lags too!

So I REPEAT, it's not only problem of a HUGE game, it's problem of PCs, that stucked in 90' years and are badly outdated.

USrankluckywaldo7 when you go to the shop and buy some game/software, there are always a minimal system requerements and a recommended hardware.

Part of our community does NOT met minimal system requirements, and I fairly believe, current behaviour borns more problems than solves.

You always like to talk about our future - newbs, you never miss a moment to remember me that my rage slow down community grow.

Now imagine, good 6v6 on 16x16 map. Supposed to be a nice and friendly game/competition. But sadly you have [DOOP]Fortaleza/[GBC]Fred, which use PCs from 90' and do NOT respect others, join games, which always causes they and others to lag.

A few newbs came to the game and want to get how is it looks like, they were impressed by the google/friend/whatever.
They respect others and have decent PCs that met minimal requirements.

They like what they see, they are amazed.
But then, suddenly, all slows down to 0.5 speed without any reason, people start crying, spam !votekick, game starts to lag like hell, if things are getting worse they can see some desync messages.

Newbs are dissapointed with raged and unwelcome community and game that lags on a small/average sizes.

They don't give a fuck that this is fault of single/two players.
You will never see them again, they don't want to play chess(which this game become at 0.5 speed)
They came here for the RTS, read: Real Time Strategy, it's not fucking chess, WAKE UP!

So summing up, I'd like to say:
If you have outdated PC, please do NOT join games that are known to cause you and others to lag, until devs will set a proper default !minspeed/implement auto kick. Respect others.
@[DOOP]Fortaleza is an excellent example of disrespect, this guy moreover of his shit PC has some crappy widget that blocks !voteresign command.
So it become worse: he lags and play 10 mins ago game, people are trying to !votekick him without any success, it obliterates team moral in big games, they lose, and finally want to !voteresign, but no @[DOOP]fortaleza has anti-resign widget and all continues again and again.
I presonally tired from all this bullshit.
+6 / -0

11 years ago
So after reading my essay, calm down as I did and, please, tell me:
Do you come here to play chess or RTS, which is supposed to be Real Time Strategy?
+1 / -0
11 years ago
People can manage to lag in Icy Run 4v4? I don't lag in anything but 10v10 and I cant see many people having a lower spec computer than me and playing ZK. I would support the inclusion of an autokick or autospec for people more than 10 seconds behind though. Generally, apart from computers that still run on coal powered steam engines, I agree with knorke.

+1 / -0
I happen to have played a couple of game with Sfireman and Fortaleza in the same game and at each occasion, Sfireman launched a kick vote when the lag became too much and either the vote passed or Fortaleza resigned on his own, so in my experience, the usual commands work.

But yes maybe an automatically launched !votekick poll after a set amount of seconds at 0.5 speed.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
Just set minspeed to 1 by default and let laggers lag out imo. That should only happen if it really gets unplayable by itself to you.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
My "lag" Only ever occurs lategame in huge games due to hardware
other 90% its my awful internet connection, and that happens incredibly rarely, your picking me out cause you are once more whining like a prepubescent girl not getting your way and every game you've abused the mechanics available to you via kicks and other polls for the same reason you're whining now I've shut you down if I'm present.
+0 / -1

11 years ago
Right now @[DOOP]Fortaleza continue spoil games with lags, the only one reason in most of games that cause game run at 0.5 speed
+1 / -0