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11 years ago
Anyone on here plays Mechwarrior too?

It is also about big stompy robots, and free to p(l)ay (sorta).

My name on MW:O is "Red Line Pilot". Maybe we can make some sort of ZK team sometime.

hope to see some ppl there ^^
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i didnt like MWO when i played the beta and early public versions, they basicly removed all the fun of MW, its just kinda... meh

maybe they rebalanced and improved things, but it was just not that much fun to play
+0 / -0
A lot can be improved, but it is still good fun imo.

A lot has been rebalanced and at the same time new problems were introduced.

Some of the biggest differences between now and a year ago are:
- The host state rewind, which (almost) solved the lag issues.
- It is 12v12 now instead of 8v8. Three lances of four
- The new maps are twice as big.
- Tons of big and small weapon changes. (for example streak, gauss rifles and ECM have been changed drastically)
- Hitbox fixes on a lot of mechs. (Raven 3L used to be invincible)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It is 12v12 now instead of 8v8.

Sounds a lot like ZK! :D
+4 / -0

11 years ago
whilst I am not playing mwo
I am playing the open Beta of https://www.playhawken.com//
which is kinda similar
+0 / -0
I heard they were very different?

Isn't Hawken a regular fps with respawns, pre-set weapon loaudouts etc. Just with robot sauce over it?
MWO is more about slow stumpy stuff, death=gone, multiple body parts that can be shot off etc? Just a lot slower, more tactical less reflex oriented game play.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I may have accidentally sold the engine on my Jagermech, which had me buying a crummy one. I now move at 36 km/h.

on the bright side, this opened up some tonnage for ammo.
+0 / -0
More dakka's ^^

Std 130 with tweak? lol

Better bring something with range at that speed
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Normally my variant comes with 200-ish armor, an XL 260 engine, 2x UAC5, 2x AC2, 2x Med pulse laser

I changed this to maximum armor (430-ish), XL 160 engine (by accident), 2x UAC5, 2x med pulse and a load more heatsinks to deal with them.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
I Really like that 2xAC5 2xAC2 set up. It makes many holes in mechs.

I am more of a medium pilot though. HBK / CN are still my favorites.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
oh man, i love MWO. Wasn´t much of a mech fan in the 90´s ( Earthsiege ftw ) but MWO really hits the spot. You actually feel like walking around in a giant death machine. And the part of adjusting and building your mech is splendid.

I also love the many diffrent styles you can play depending on your weightclass and weaponry. Even the squishy Locust (20t) is fun to play.

On the point of AC2´s: I hope they fix that heatbug soon. 4x Ac2 in the 4x cataphract and 3x ac2 in the Dragon is quite hard to pull of without killing oneself through surprise overheating.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
that's why you only take 2 AC2 and 2 AC5

You should join me, Moffmaster+friends sometime for some drops.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
sure, just add Tabernakel :)

I play with another group of three most of the time, but if you see me, just ask :)
+0 / -0
downloading, i'm pretty bored of all games i have in my pc xD

EDIT: nevermind, can't launch because of some sort of .net error and i'm too lazy to find out why
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