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who thinks admins are abusing there power

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11 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
i've tried to address real issues. and i see other issues being posted. the first thing i noticed is in the threads that are locked. there is only one that doesn't address special treatment. on mine they say grammar punctation and caps. first off were in the rules does it say you must us this in the forum!!
yes im tee off'd now. as the admins dont want to talk about an issue unless it something they are woried or concerend about.

isnt this forum to discuss among the comunity about issue in the comunity not just about there own agendas??
+0 / -14

11 years ago
here we go again! :D
+3 / -0

11 years ago
There's no point in making a topic about decisions that are discussed and thus supported by the admin team. That's why those get closed, it's pointless accusations ("he started!1!") that don't change anything.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
People have tried to explain it to you. In your thread about wrecks you said it was going off topic when people said to just work it out as a team. You were banned for a very good reason, and that was days ago now, just move on. Whenever people answer your questions you say that they are derailing the thread. So no, you were banned for a good reason and the admins are not abusing their power.

Also, you cannot possibly expect anyone to be able to read that, your standard of English is horrific. If anyone is giving an answer that you don't find explanatory, it will be because they cannot understand a word of what you are writing.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
vltue, in the end the code of conduct is not perfect. It's missing a lot of bannable things, like smurfing, etc.
+0 / -0
first of the special treamment comes from admins. so right there admins have motive to quelch any thing that puts them in a negitive light. IE having them use their person bias to favor some one. not being inpartial to the issues and problems at hand. im sure if we had a replay of a admin tking or verbally harassing im sure youd talk to him but you have not instilled any trust that he actually be reprimanded. yes you pick your admins base off many factors. still doesn't mean that you guys dont just keep getting away with it

next get over what got me banned i have, why havent you?? what got me banned was ME AND MY ACTION TO DO SOMETHING THAT WAS NOT A GRAY AREA. and was not open for any leeway. pat recliaming my fusion is what made me retaliate, it is not what got me banned.(and pat's actions would have not got me banned as they were his action, not mine).

you still havent explained why when people make post. as to why it appears admin powers are being abuse.

all you have done is try to defend your actions and then insult, block and quelch. this is not a productive action all players can view this forum not just you admins. for example you sponge you have done it to goose!! all any one has to do is read the threads and it can be seen>
+0 / -1
first off were in the rules does it say you must us this in the forum!!

It's not a rule, no.

It is however a prerequisite for productive discussions, and unproductive discussions (like the last one) tend to get summarily locked.

if we had a replay of a admin tking or verbally harassing

But we don't. That kind of torpedoes the point you're trying to make, doesn't it?
+5 / -1

11 years ago
+0 / -0
im sure some time in the future i play or see one if i do am i alowed to put it on the forum??

with out it getting blocked??
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Why would you put it on the forums instead of reporting it with the report system?

and pat's actions would have not got me banned as they were his action, not mine

Do you have any justification for this statement?

Why are you still worrying about this? You and Pat teamkilled each other and both got a measly 8 hour ban. Where is the bias? Do you have any examples of bias?
+3 / -1
frog just cuase i report doesn't mean you have to do something about it now does it any one of you admins have the choice to ingnore it.

next you say he got banned i was checking his profile every hour for that whole night. it didn't say he got banned or had any penalty. as for pat being banned ya if you say so. from my view point though it doesn't look like it.

still didn't answer the question am i allowed to post it with out it getting banned???
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The forum is not an appropriate channel for abuse reports.

If, however, there is suspicion that the admin team is ignoring or suppressing reports concerning our own, you could make a case for going public with it on the forum.

next you say he got banned i was checking his profile every hour for that whole night. it didn't say he got banned or had any penalty.

Well, if you didn't see it in the specific timespan you were looking, clearly it didn't happen!
+2 / -0
from when i got banned till about 5 in the morning here. think i got banned around 4 pm my time. so are you saying he didn't did i just have some admins lie about it???
+0 / -2

11 years ago
Actually any one of the admins doesn't have the ability to ignore reports. To ignore a report all the admins would have to ignore it. Oh no a conspiracy! You have not provided any examples on this topic so shut up.

As for the bans I was not involved in dealing with it but it's sitting on his profile so I assume it was properly applied.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
atleast the admins on shift what happens when they view it and then and then make note of their actions. does it still show as pending for others to look at??

next when you say sitting on his profile do you guys see a different profile than the regular players do?? and if it on his profile now which i checked it not atleast from what i see. it how many days later we shouldn't still be banned if it was for only 8 hours.

so can i please have time frame he was banned and have some one from this shift and then in 12 hours when other admins are one confirm it. what this will do is instill some, i say some cuase it still doesn't fully rebuild my trust.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
He was banned on the 16th between 10am and 6pm (In the UK timezone that is).

Your issues taken with grammar and punctuation, no they are not explicitly required by the code of conduct, but if you use your common sense you might just see that we ask for those so we can actually comprehend what it is you are complaining about.

"it how many days later we shouldn't still be banned if it was for only 8 hours. "
uh, you're not banned at the moment, neither is he, that was 4 days ago expiry date of 8 hours, try logging in.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
You were banned from 2013-08-15 20:25:10.383 to 2013-08-16 04:25:10.383.
Patrician was banned from 2013-08-16 10:12:48.323 to 2013-08-16 18:12:48.323.
(dunno what timezone precisely, I assume it's UTC+1)

Also, the fact that you are obsessing about this leads me to hold the opinion that you are a five-year-old.
+2 / -0
ok that statment wasn't saying i was still banned i was only stating if his profile showed him banned still(it would be wrong). please read some of the other questions in that post. ie: do you see a different profiles then the regular players??

now are both of those times in the same timezone format ie like u said utc +1??
+0 / -0
Admins can see additional details (including abuse report history and past bans), yes.

And yes, they're both the same timezone. Are you deliberately asking stupid questions?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
isnt this forum to discuss among the comunity about issue in the comunity not just about there own agendas??

Hmm, isn't it, @[V]vulte? Oh wait.
+2 / -0
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