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Some balance suggestions

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Just some feedback, just my oppinions.

1) Halberd - weapon feels horrible, unit in practice feels either underpowered or gimmicky to use (too reliant on spam-click micro to get it close enough to enemy units for its stupid weapon to hit.)

A total rethink of its weapon would be great. Somthing accurate but low dps/reliant on alpha would be cool, as then they could swan into range, fire, close up and move away, which synergises with all other hovers much better than halberd currently does. It would work best if the unit AI automatically closed the unit when it isn't actually firing, as then fiddly hold fire micro would not be needed.

2) Wolverine - please buff it, it still is underpowered/highly situational/overly fragile

3) Hermit - still the worst assault unit by large margin, with gimmicky applications on a small number of maps. A buff is well overdue - I would like to see it with a moderate DPS buff, as it is much slower/weaker than other assaults vs statics and much worse vs mobiles than ravager/zeus/jack/reaper. 10% higher DPS would make this unit a little more useful.

4) Zeus - has a very annoying tendency to friendly-fire when in groups, maybe because their hitbox is too small and they walk half inside eachother when tightly grouped. Is there any way this could be prevented - maybe by changing the firing point on the model or making the weapon ignore friendlies?

5) Tremor - still largely ineffective and fragile imo, needs moar HP/AoE desperately. I hate that one of the coolest looking units remains one of the most pathetic.

6) Gauss Turret - with guass no longer penetrating shields and hopefully soon being 1 hit per projectile vs all hitbox sizes, it would be cool to finally make gauss a real anti-heavy weapon. A damage foruma somthing like:

X * (1 + (HP/6000) = damage

this would do eg.

1.01 * X damage to a Glaive
1.3 * X damage to a Ravager
1.83 * X damage to a Jack
3 * X damage to a Goliath

balance it to only make cost at 1.5+ and you have a functional source of anti heavy in a turret without using damage groups - all this does is improve and formalise the existing behavior of 'more damage to big units'

7) Moderator

Less effective source of slow than outlaw in many situations. imo it is weighted too high to be viable in early rushes (or often even early game) and is very difficult to syngergise with the other units from this factory.

Suggestion: drop weight of moderator to around 170m, keeping HP as close to current as possible and just nerfing damage or RoF - that way it becomes viable to add these into an early rush, they become less vunerable and easier to distribute. 200+m for a unit that does no damage is frequently hard to justify, especially when it is slow and cant escape like the rest of the factory (eg. dies during retreats).
+5 / -2
Regarding 4: Zeus now has 3x3 footprint (http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/source/detail?r=10984).

Gauss being antiheavy would be cool, but the formula seems a bit opaque. By the way, there's an unused anti-heavy turret that has long reload, high damage and massive slow effective versus single targets, so maybe Gauss could get similar stats?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
4) Zeus - has a very annoying tendency to friendly-fire when in groups, maybe because their hitbox is too small and they walk half inside eachother when tightly grouped. Is there any way this could be prevented - maybe by changing the firing point on the model or making the weapon ignore friendlies?

I have said about this before but I think it came down to an engine deficiency, it also applies to warriors and rockos. This is the biggest balance problem in the cloaky factory at the minute, units are far less useful than they should be because they keep killing each other. If I counted the cause of death for all of my zeuses it would come down to about 1/3 being killed by each other.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Regarding 1;
Halberds weapon is in general teribble, very hard to hit anything but statics with, this seems like a good idea in an armoured assault but feels hella-clunky vs anything that moves faster then wind speed.

Regarding 3;
The hermit is so overdue a buff its painful, and with the recent buff given to shieldfac whereby their main counters (fire, gauss) were completley negated with no adjustments to shield strength to compensate the power gap has increased madly between hermit and its nearest cost equivilant the thug.

(even though thug synergy would beat hermit hilariously easy cost for cost prior to this: tested via myself and ivory a while ago)

The all terrain ability only works on a scant handful of maps, and assaulting uphill just doesn't work full stop. hermits collide into each other and fall off of cliffs whilst not being able to bring any real power onto whatever it is they assault, they die piecemeal and are less effective at that then they are on flat ground.

Their performance is depressing.
The only thing about them useful is early game assaults due to cost, something which is outdone by rava anyway.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
1) The old Halberd had a Gauss gun, and was massively OP. It was spammed in huge packs and dominated games. The current weapon is meant to make it weak to raiders and useful only at melee range or vs stationary targets. A high alpha accurate weapon would be able to pick off persuing raiders 1 by 1, and overlaps with the scalpel.

The Halberd is still an amazing unit in a lot of situations, from tanking scalpel and missile cruiser shots to scouting, raiding and early assault. It scales great into late game because it's immune to stray AoE and artillery. It has great eco harass if not caught by raiders.

If you really are encouraged to micro it closed between shots though, that's bad... it would be best to change the script so that it only changes armour state when firing (for a brief period either side) rather than while aiming, but I'm not totally sure how to best achieve that.

2) You have the Impaler. The Wolverine is mostly a mine-layer tool. It's amazing at shot wasting and vs certain enemies.

3) Hermit can attack from any angle on a cliff map, and gets a height bonus. I am reticent to buff any of the spider units that counter llt/defender, because this factory first forces heaps of LLT's/Defenders along every cliff to stop fleas, then totally counters those and forces HLT's there as well. I think what spider needs is a decent flea counter for the spider vs spider and other raider matchups.

4) It's the pathing forcing units to cluster into tiny balls, this never used to happen to the Zeus.

5) Tremor has more HP than most artillery. More AoE than most artillery. Flattens terrain, so even if it sucks it has massive utility usefulness. I'm not sure tank needs a better tremor.

6) Almost all anti-heavy counter are EMP, which sucks. I think we need something like this. I dunno about it being on gauss specifically because it is accurate and can hit multiple targets.

7) What it really needs is synergy in the factory. It should slow targets for Jack but Jack frequently gets in the way of its shot. Maybe it's time to give it jump, but I honestly think we already have too many units that require that split-second micro in this factory (I always end up hitting H for share!). Still, Godde uses it incredibly well.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
so you want to buff:

halberd: the heaviest and most effective anti-building raider in the game (see 4 halb vs whole enemy base senarios)

hermit: absolutley the best spam & repair assault unit in the game

tremmor: the most terefying arty in zk

moderator: the one unit that eats any type of heavy short of det for breakfeast

...i say no, i dont want to suffer through the resultunt nerf backash
+2 / -1

11 years ago
The Wolverine is mostly a mine-layer tool. It's amazing at shot wasting and vs certain enemies.

Except the mines do nothing to actually kill enemies, and are easy to detect/avoid because need constant replenishment.

Anybody caught trying to use Wolverine as a mine laying tool and not a cheap man's tremor screen would be shortly massacred by anything opposition deems funny.

Shot wasting is a very niche and gimmicky application, which can be also achieved by every constructor ingame.

One useful quality it might have is long-range cloak hunting (snipers, scuttles, whatever) - but that's a niche thing yet again, and i've only seen that application in 10x10zkicyrun games.

Not saying wolverine is bad or useless: just that its current applications are very narrow and plain weird. It could be more fun, but i lack any fresh ideas on how to make that occur.

Making mines last longer but have a deployment limit per-wolverine has been discussed and found too arbitrary.
+1 / -0
The point is that the Wolverine has a narrow utility niche, and does win some matchups (It's pretty good vs slashers, say). If you want serious artillery you have the Impaler, so the factory is not suffering, while the Wolverine fills a niche where it can still hit mobiles, which the Impaler cannot. It's not really a balance issue, since neither the game or the factory really need it. The unit could maybe be more interesting or useful, but it is kind of prone to gimmicky abuse and mines have in the past been really problematic. It's way easier to waste shots with wolverine than with cons.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
actually i have used wolverine as a mine-layer in proper games, they are great at setting up retreat points for your armies. 4 wolverines on attack ground can keep your ravs safe from any kind of chasing units XD
+2 / -1

11 years ago
except with 4 more ravagers instead of 4 minelayers, you probably wouldn't be retreating in the first place.

Hermit can attack from any angle on a cliff map, and gets a height bonus. I am reticent to buff any of the spider units that counter llt/defender, because this factory first forces heaps of LLT's/Defenders along every cliff to stop fleas, then totally counters those and forces HLT's there as well. I think what spider needs is a decent flea counter for the spider vs spider and other raider matchups.

know what else can attack from any angle on a cliff map, but with powerful units that are still valid on normal maps and are actually better at attacking uphill? Jumpers!

Your example here is total theorycraft. In practice unsupported cudgels are too slow to be used aggressively, and you cant use spiders in small numbers as they rely heavily on forming recluse deathball. I hate hearing the response you gave here because it has no correspondance to what actually happens in game - please show me the replay of aggressive cudgel attacks sweeping the map against a competent player. You will have trouble finding one because the unit is slow and underpowered.

Anything the cudgel does, the jack does much better, and it is hopelessly outclassed by the thug. Buff the thing and see if balance is broken - when it isn't and the unit becomes somthing other than a 'rush the purple heart award' then maybe we'll see the spider factory used in more games (where currently it is mostly used for crabbe).

+2 / -0
11 years ago
except with 4 more ravagers instead of 4 minelayers, you probably wouldn't be retreating in the first place.

if you are not attack/retreat raiding with ravs you are doing it wrong...

Anything the cudgel does, the jack does much better, and it is hopelessly outclassed by the thug.

no... just no...

another case of learn2units
+0 / -4


Can a moderator please clean up this thread and delete this post and all the posts in this thread by LittleBunnyWabbit, as I would prefer to keep this discussion objective thanks.
+3 / -3
im just stating that units like the hermit and the moderator have their uses, and if used correctly can be very effective...

its the difference between pros and newbies using units, just because you have not figured out how to use a unit effectively dose not mean that there aren't other people who have, and can use said units to great effect.

PS: GBrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng you have not provided any suporting evidence for your arguments
+0 / -3
11 years ago
Hermit (...) gets a height bonus

Note that when attacking uphill, that height bonus is actually a malus.
+0 / -0

11 years ago

It would be nice if you could:
  • Respond in a non-insulting way.
  • Actually respond at all.

Anyone can say "Unit X has it's uses". We all know this, it's not adding anything new. You have to make a case for those uses justifying it's cost.
+6 / -0
I would love to post 100 replays of me pwning everything with cudgels, mods, and halbs... but unfortunately I cant even play 1v1 due to Intel graphics card (not that posting replays has ever resulted in a constructive argument...)

so that duty falls to someone else, what I can say is that all those units are extremely effective in the right situation, and anyone who says they aren't simply never used them, or didn't use them correctly/experiment with them enough...

they are good units, halbs and mods may even need nerfs not buffs if anyone learned to use them correctly...

for confirmation of my statements you can just look at my place on both the 1v1 and the teams leader-boards, my level, and the fact that apart from the trident (i haven't had a chance to test it yet) i have tried every unit in zk, and know how to win with almost all of them (not as monounit spam, but using them as support/utility or with other units)
+1 / -6

11 years ago
The merits of your balance discussion are determined by the quality of your arguments, not your elo ranking.
+6 / -0
1) Halberd - ...

I think halberd only require a better behaviour/AI, the weapon is okay.

We could block enemy unit by swarming it, and the enemy will die quickly, except that halberd wasn't smart enough to do this on its own and require micro.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
Can a moderator clean the thread as requested please, bunnywabbit is not objective and does not contribute usefully here, lets move on.
+0 / -0
ok objectively speaking...

cludgel has more (600)hp the 1 jack, 5x as much range and 2x as much damage...
more hp and dps then ravagers
it is the single heaviest hp/cost unit in the game (now that jug is gone)
is the most underused OP unit in ZK
can be repaired to full hp in seconds
is basicaly immortal if they have repair units with them
is only vulnerable to raiders and super-heavy units

objectively no?

halberds can kill a mace
halberds can kill a base with llt and units shielding lab
halberds can 2 shot a mex and run out THROUGH porc without dieing
3 halberds can kill most comms
have 4k hp when closed
can take a direct hit from a penetrator



can slow any unit to 50% in 2-3 shots
this lets:
reletevly light units kill things like dante and goli with ease
500m in aa to kill licho bombers
pyros and jack to kill zeus
basicaly disable HLT in one shot
kill shields really fast
support any kind of army in battle without suffering losses

objectively no?

tremors have the most DPS/cost of all artillery
2 tremors can reduce any large scale porc to scrap
always forces enemy units out of porc
has the most hp of all artillery (also high hp/cost for artillery)
has the best range of all artillery
is in the same lab as pillager (the best pin-point artillery in zk)

objectively no?

as i said learn2units
+3 / -2
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